Phototherapy: what is it, what is it for and how is it used?
Light therapy is used to treat some psychological disorders.
Although it may seem somewhat mystical, light can cure, or at least reduce the symptomatology of certain medical problems and psychological disorders.
Phototherapy is a set of treatments in which light is used to help increase mood. to help increase mood in psychiatric patients and also reduce inflammation and other dermatological problems. Next we will see more in depth what this technique consists of, especially in the field of psychiatry.
What is phototherapy?
The phototherapy, also called luminoterapia or therapy with light, is a therapeutic tool in which electromagnetic radiations, that is to say, light, are used for the treatment of medical diseases and psychopathological disorders.. The type of light applied can be visible, infrared or ultraviolet radiation.
In the medical field, phototherapy is used, above all, in the treatment of skin diseases such as vitiligo or psoriasis. In the case of psychology and psychiatry, it has been found useful in treating mood disorders, especially seasonal affective disorder.
What does it involve?
Basically, phototherapy involves exposing the patient to a device, such as a phototherapy lamp, or to solar baths, so that the light affects the skin and activates biochemical processes. The light from the light therapy lamp is very similar to natural light.
It is believed that light therapy affects brain chemicals associated with mood and sleep.. For this reason it is used in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder, a mood disorder that occurs at a certain time of the year, especially associated with the lack of natural light. For this reason, most people who present it manifest it in autumn or winter.
What are its benefits?
In its use in psychopathology, as it is not a pharmacological treatment, phototherapy is associated with a treatment that involves few side effects. In case you are already taking drugs, especially antidepressants, or if you are undergoing psychological therapy, the use of this technique can contribute to the treatment, the use of this technique can contribute to increase the effectiveness of these treatments, allowing the consumption of a lower dose of drugs, especially antidepressants.allowing a lower dose of the drugs to be consumed.
It is also used in pregnant or breastfeeding women who cannot take psychotropic drugs because, although not all of them, there is a risk that they may end up in the baby.
For what diseases and disorders is it used?
As we were already saying, phototherapy is especially used for dermatological diseases and mood disorders, however, there are many more conditions that can be treated.However, there are many more conditions where the technique has shown to be highly effective.
Among the mental disorders for which it is used we can find mood disorders such as:
- Seasonal affective disorder
- Depressions not associated to the season of the year.
But, in addition, are used to treat disorders in which the person has some type of imbalance of its cycle of the dreameither for work reasons, long trips (jet-lag) or difficulties in falling asleep.
- Jet lag
- Sleep disorders
- Night work schedule
- Dementia
As for skin diseases, we find psoriasis. In phototherapy applied to this type of problem, it is necessary to filter ultraviolet light as it can damage both the eyes and the skin.
Possible side effects
In the case of phototherapy applied to mood disorders, although it is a safe technique, it does involve certain risks. involves certain risksThese risks are slight and of short duration. Among these we can find:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Eye fatigue
- Irritability
- Nervousness (associated with bipolar disorder)
- Mania and euphoria
- Hyperactivity
Side effects can be controlled by reducing the treatment time, moving away from the lamp, taking breaks during long sessions or changing the time of day when it is used. They may also appear immediately after starting therapy, but may decrease as therapy progresses.
Although the use of light therapy may seem harmless, we must not forget that it is a medical treatment, and therefore precautions must be taken when using it, in addition to trusting the professional judgment of the doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist who has recommended it.
Some of the considerations to take into account before starting the treatment with light are to to know if you have a skin disease that makes it particularly sensitive to light and that may worsen in the event of a and that may worsen if this technique is applied, as would be the case of systemic lupus erythematosus. Special consideration should be given to the case of having an eye disease, which makes the eyes more vulnerable to light injuries.
In case you are taking a drug, you must ask the prescriber and check the package insert to see if it increases sensitivity to sunlight.. Some of the medications that may have this side effect are certain antibiotics, Anti-Inflammatory drugs or phytotherapeutic treatments, such as St. John's wort.
In people who suffer from bipolar disorder, it is especially important to monitor whether phototherapy is being applied, since one of its side effects is to trigger mania.
Ultraviolet light
Phototherapy lamps should be designed to filter out ultraviolet light, which is harmful to bipolar disorder.which is harmful to the skin and eyes. Although in most cases, and especially for use on the skin, they are already designed to filter it out, they do not always achieve this completely.
It is for this reason that special care should be taken with this type of device because, as we were saying, although they may seem very harmless, if there is no good control, there is a risk of skin problems such as spots, melanoma and burns. See a dermatologist before and during the application of the technique, even if it is being used for a skin disorder.even if it is being used for a mood disorder, is always recommended.
When is it best to start?
Phototherapy prescribed for people suffering from seasonal affective disorder is usually started in early autumn, when the skies begin to cloud over in many regions of the world and the rains begin. Due to the lack of sunshine, the disorder appears. This is why light therapy is applied to make up for the lack of light stimulation in those people who are most sensitive to it.. Generally, the treatment continues until spring, when there is more light outside and it is sufficient to maintain a good mood and higher energy levels.
During light therapy, the person sits or works near a specialized lamp. To be effective, the light from the lamp must enter the eyes indirectly, in addition to hitting the skin. One of the biological bases of depression is related to the lack of light and alterations in the sleep cycles, for that reason, when entering through the eye this light allows to regulate the sleep cycles, since it serves for the brain to regulate itself and, when there is light, it is clear that it is not time to sleep, that it is daytime.
But be careful! do not look directly at the lampThis can damage the eyes. The recommendations of the recommending health care professional should be followed, in addition to looking at the manufacturer's instructions.
It is not a therapy that induces improvement automatically. It takes time and perseverance, like any other treatment. We should not expect that with a single session we will have a significant improvement in our mood.
One of the recommendations is to have this lamp lit near a place that we frequently inhabit at home, such as the desk, the bedside table or the bathroom.such as the desk, the living room or some other place where we spend a lot of time.
How should it be applied to be effective?
There are three key elements to ensure that this therapy is effective.
1. Intensity
The intensity of the lamp is recorded in lux ("light" in Latin), which is the measure of the amount of light received. For seasonal affective disorder, its usual recommendation is to use a lamp of 10,000 lux intensity, placed at a distance of half a meter from the face.placed at a distance of half a meter from the face.
2. Duration
With an intensity of 10,000 lux, phototherapy usually requires sessions of 20 to 30 minutes. sessions of between 20 and 30 minutes. If the intensity of the lamp is lower, say 2,500 lux, longer sessions may be needed.
3. Time of day
For most people, light therapy is most effective when done early in the morning, just after waking up. However, there are some people who may find it more useful to receive sessions at other times of the day. The physician should be consulted to establish a schedule that is best suited to the individual case.
Other types of lamps
Other similar products are these.
1. Infrared radiation lamp
It is used as thermal therapy, by means of the infrared camera.. It is not visible light, it simply gives heat and is not applied for mood disorders, but for skin problems.
2. Laser
It is a special artificial light, which consists in the amplification of light through a process of stimulated emission of radiation. It is considered a phototherapy technique, although it is not applied in the field of psychological disorders and its application in skin diseases is very specific.
It requires a light and a chemical compound, which can be liquid, solid or gaseous.. The light stimulates the chemical, increasing its energy. It is when the energy hits the compound that the laser itself appears, appearing as a single color and sometimes with the ability to cut tissue.
There are two types of lasers for medical purposessoft and hard lasers.
The soft one, with a radiation of 10 - 20 mW (milliwatts), is used for sweeping the skin and has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration effects.
The hard has a radiation greater than 10 W (watts), being its use quite powerful. It can cause cell vaporization, photo coagulation or even cell explosions. It can be used to cut tissues (laser scalpel), photocoagulate in the case of retinal detachment or remove tattoos and stains. It can have pathogenic effectsIt is contraindicated in pregnant women and people with oncological diseases.
About sunbeds
When talking about phototherapy lamps, one may think that they are similar to sunbeds, i.e. those used to get a tan. Since in popular culture the benefits of sunlight are already known, there are many who may fall into the error of thinking that sunbeds are a good alternative to sunlamps, in addition to giving us a tan for the summer.and also give us a tan for the summer. This is not the case.
They have not been proven to help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, and they release ultraviolet light which, as we mentioned earlier, can damage the skin and increase the risk of sunburn, can damage the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer..
Bibliographic references:
- Golden, R. N., Gaynes, B. N., Ekstrom, B.D. (2015). Efficacy of light therapy for mood disorders: review and meta-analysis of the evidence. Am J Psychiatry.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)