Self-confinement in the new normal: associated personality factors
These are the personality factors that predispose us to fall into excessive self-confinement
Despite the lifting of the State of Alarm several months ago, the threat of COVID-19 is still present in our lives, the threat of COVID-19 is still present in our lives.. This has caused many people to live a kind of "self-confinement", as a consequence of the fear of being infected.
This "self-confinement" is nothing more than an attempt to control "the uncontrollable".. Some examples of this "self-confinement" include: leaving home only for the "essential", not using public transport, not traveling or going on vacation, not meeting anyone, not going to any bar or restaurant or public swimming pool or beach, disinfecting everything and washing their hands or applying hydroalcoholic gel in excess, which often ends up causing them dermatological problems, wearing a mask even if they are alone in the car, etc.
However, what factors or personality traits influence them? what factors or features of personality influence in that a person develops the, recently, denominated by many "syndrome of the cabin"?
Personality factors linked to self-confinement
These are the behavioral patterns that generate predisposition to self-confinement in an almost obsessive way.
1. They are people who are very afraid of "losing control."
They think that "something terrible" will happen if this happens.
2. They do not tolerate uncertainty
They live it as a threat, since they feel as if they were "walking on quicksand" or "eggshells" and that makes them insecure.
3. They are always activated in the face of danger
Because of this high need for control, they anticipate situations that they consider potentially dangerous, in order to be able to deal with them.In order to be able to cope with them, in the event that they do occur. And they tend to "over-information".
4. They tend to be very conservative
They find it difficult to adapt to changes or unforeseen situations and routine gives them security.
5. Their way of thinking tends to be rigid or inflexible
Their way of thinking is usually in terms of "all or nothing", not contemplating the "grays" or "half measures".
6. They need a script to follow in the different situations they face
This occurs because they often distrust their own judgment and tend to act according to what is socially "expected".
7. Distrust
Generally, they tend to have a feeling of suspicion or distrust towards the world and/or others, considering it as a threatening and dangerous place.They consider it as a threatening place full of dangers. In reality, we could say that their vision is more realistic than that of the rest of the people. Since, most people are subject to the so-called "positivity bias", which consists of seeing the world as a safer and less dangerous place than it really is.
8. Possess a high sense of responsibility
They put too much emphasis on morality, taking too much into account others, which often causes them to reach the point of leaving themselves aside, establishing a rigid barrier between what they consider "right" and "wrong".
9. They tend to be very perfectionist
They have a high level of self-demand and self-sacrifice for the common good.. Frequently use expressions such as: "I should", "I would have to", etc.
10. They tend to hypochondria
Sometimes, they tend to be apprehensive and hypochondriacs, which causes them to be overly aware of their bodily sensations, amplifying them in many situations.
11. They tend to be introverted people
That is to say, in many cases they have a large "internal world" and a great capacity for imagination and great capacity for imagination, who enjoy and tolerate solitude well, so they need less external stimuli or social relationships than other people.
12. They give many turns to the things
They show a tendency to obsess at times and give much importance to their thoughts, equating them, at times, to actions or facts. They also tend to be "superstitious" and believe that if they think something, it may eventually happen.
13. Their thinking tends to be more concrete
They are often anxious about the possibility that some kind of misunderstanding may occur, they like things to be "clear".They often use expressions such as: "things are clear and chocolate is thick", "bread is bread and wine is wine", they do not like double meanings or ambiguous messages and often take things "at face value".
14. They tend to be submissive to authority
They tend to abide by the rules and commands of people hierarchically above them without questioning them.
15. They do not distinguish between the possible and the probable
That is, they think that if something is possible to happen, it will probably end up happening.
Their usual state is usually one of hypervigilance. This causes them a permanent difficulty or inability to relax.The company is aware of the possibility that some danger or external situation may catch them unawares and they are unable to avoid it.
16. They are prone to have catastrophic thoughts
They end up putting themselves, almost always, in the worst. They often use expressions such as: "what if", "think wrong and you will be right", etc.
17. They find it difficult to ask for and receive help
This makes them feel vulnerable. They also tend to distrust the help of others and do not like to "bother".
18. They tend to run away from conflict situations
They prefer to avoid conflict, in general, for fear of getting angry and losing control. And the possibility of others getting angry with them, for fear of rejection or abandonment, or of suffering some kind of harm from them.
19. The "self-fulfilling prophecy" phenomenon is created
Sometimes, the anxiety generated by uncertainty is so high that they do not tolerate it and end up "losing control".They may go to the opposite extreme, which, paradoxically, may cause them to expose themselves to risky and dangerous situations, reinforcing their fear of losing control.
(Updated at Mar 9 / 2025)
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