The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success (and Happiness)
Hindu writer Deepak Chopra explains some common principles of successful people.
For many, the concept of success is linked to money, power and material things. We have been brought up to believe that to achieve success we have to work tirelessly, with uncompromising persistence and intense ambition, and our success only seems to have value in the approval of others.
To prove that we are successful we have to wear brand-name clothes, have a pretty girl, a successful professionWe are building a path of suffering, far from a true sense of personal development, emotional well-being and with our backs turned to our own desires.
What are the laws that govern free spirits?
Imagine an executive driven by an attempt to achieve success and succeed in his profession, who dedicates himself so hard to achieve it that, when he achieves it, he realizes that he has lost everything else, including his own wife and children, when he achieves it, he realizes that he has lost everything else, including his own wife and children..... As a result, the only respect he gets is from his subordinates, the same ones who don't want to lose their jobs. He has money, power and is in one of the highest positions in his company, but loneliness and emotional fatigue make him question whether it was worth it to get this far.
Like Deepak Chopra has observed, so much effort is unnecessary and even counterproductive to achieving success.. We must not forget that success is a subjective experience and has to do with being good in the different areas of our life. In his book "The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success", the author reviews the rules and principles necessary to achieve success.
At the end of the day, the most important thing is not to be successful at a certain thing you do, but to achieve a sense of success on a general level. Success is what leads to a satisfying and meaningful life, a fulfilling life..
1. Law of pure potentiality
This law is based on the fact that we are all, essentially, pure consciousness. That is, being conscious is pure potentiality; a state of infinite creativity and potentiality. When you discover your natural essence and connect with who you really are, that very knowledge is the ability to achieve true success, because you are in eternal success and time is running for you, not against you..
This law was also known as the law of unitybecause despite the complexity of life, especially today in the globalized world in which we live, "being fully conscious" is necessary to preserve the spirit.
This is why Mindfulness practice is so successful today, as this state of awareness and calmness helps to self-regulate behavior and know oneself better. This state of awareness and calm helps to self-regulate behavior and to know oneself better, as well as creating an environment conducive to personal well-being.It also creates an environment conducive to personal well-being. The Mindfulness is a conscious and intentional way of tuning in to what is happening within and around us, and allows us to unmask automatisms and promote integral development.
2. Law of giving and receiving
The state of Flow in life is nothing more than the harmonious interaction of all the elements that structure our existence.. Giving and receiving maintains the richness and flow of interpersonal relationships. Although many people think that constant giving is a symptom of weakness, both giving and receiving have important psychological effects: they reduce stress, improve self-esteem, etc.
Helping others without expecting to receive anything in return brings more rewards than we think: a study from the UK's Mental Health Foundation has shown that altruism is beneficial to our health.. But if we also receive, this provides us with a balance that keeps us alive. Happiness is closely related to healthy interpersonal relationships, and this applies to all areas of our lives, even with co-workers.
3. Law of Karma (or cause and effect)
The Karma is the action and the consequence of the action. The law of Karma is important because it warns us that if we do something wrong (or is considered wrong), it will have negative consequences for us. We may get away with it, but we will surely receive something similar at some point in our lives.
Karma situates us, warns us and allows us to choose. It tells us that what happens to us is a consequence of our actions, and it enables us to self-reflect in order to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.. Therefore, Karma is not a punishment, it is an opportunity to grow.
4. Law of minimum effort
Surely you have heard at some time that "less is more", and you have heard of the law of least effort. This law represents exactly this. This is the principle of minimum action, and no resistance. no resistance. It is, therefore, the principle of love and harmony.
This law does not mean that we should be immobile and passive in the face of life, but that when actions are motivated by love (for others and for oneself), they do not require so much effort. For example, when we do things reluctantly, we will find it difficult to move. But when we do things with passion, that is, with love for what we like, we enter into a state of flow..
This law has three fundamental principles:
- AcceptanceWhen we treat facts and life with acceptance towards ourselves and others, we feel relieved. This moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. For example, when we feel frustrated with someone or something, we are not frustrated or upset by a person or a situation, but by the feelings we harbor about that person or situation.
- ResponsibilityResponsibility: All problems are opportunities to grow and develop. When our state of readiness meets the opportunity, the solution will appear spontaneously, without effort.
- HelplessnessIf we embrace "the here and now", that is, the present, we become part of it and we will connect emotionally, because we will release the terrible burdens of defensiveness, resentment and hypersensitivity, favoring the Flow State. When we possess the delicate combination of acceptance, responsibility and helplessness, we will live this Flow throughout life, with an effortless predisposition.
If you want to know more about the Law of Least Effort, I recommend this reading:
"Law of least effort: 5 keys to understand it".
5. Law of intention and desire
This law states that, by being conscious and possessing the ability to adapt, we can influence our environment, we can create our own future.. Desire and intention are the engine that enables us to move. But desire and intention are not the only requirement to achieve success; Chopra explains that in addition to these, we must comply with the "law of pure consciousness" and the "law of detachment" (which will be explained in the next point).
In addition, he states that "how the future is created based on this intention, it is fundamental to start from the concept that time is the movement of thought. That is, backward thinking is an interpretation of abstract forces, recollection, memory; while the future is a projection of abstract forces." Therefore, intention and desire must be in the here and now.For "only the present, which is consciousness, is real and eternal. (...) Both the past and the future are born in the imagination".
6. Law of detachment
The detachmentalthough it may seem to be synonymous with coldnessis a concept that is very much in vogue in personal development, since it makes it possible to live with equanimity and emotional stability.. This is a very important concept today, as most individuals are too turned off even to material things. It is not easy to look inward when the culture leads us to constantly look outward, to compare ourselves, to be more successful, to be more consumer, etc. In the midst of so much information we stick to old certainties to feel safe, unable to describe reality as it is.
Don't miss this post: "20 phrases about life that will help you to be happy".
Detachment does not mean not being able to feel emotions, it is about accepting them and observing them from a different point of view, much more adaptive.. It is about putting them in perspective, that is, to move away a little from things to try to be more objective and realistic.
As the psychologist Jonathan García-Allen explains in the article "Personal Development: 5 reasons for self-reflection", published in Psychology and MindFortunately, we have the reflective capacity to detach ourselves from what we believed to be true and immovable, to connect with the environment and with ourselves, and to meditate on our reality. In the individual dimension, our beliefs, habits and actions are always motivated by our emotions, so it is essential to understand and accept them. The future in the short, medium and long term is totally uncertain, but whatever happens we can modulate (for the worse) our experience with the emotion of expectation, control, cynicism, superficiality... but we are also capable of improving it if it happens from the emotion of self-respect, gratitude, trust, sincerity and tranquility."
7. Law of Dharma, or the purpose in life
According to this law, we all have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it.. There is something in each of us that we can do better than others, because for each unique talent and for each unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. Expressing our talents to meet needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.
The Dharma Law has three components:
- Each of us is here to discover our higher self or spiritual selfand we must discover it on our own.
- The human being has a unique unique talent. Each of us has a talent so unique in its expression that there is no other individual who has that talent or who expresses it in that way. When we express this unique talent, we are in the State of Flow.
- Each of us must put this talent at the service of humanity in order to help each other.. When we combine the ability to express our unique talents with service to humanity, we fully utilize the law of Dharma.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)