What to do when faced with Post-holiday Syndrome? 8 tips to manage it
Some recommendations and tips to prevent the post-holiday syndrome from causing problems.
Summer vacations are the perfect time to disconnect, reconnect with oneself, get out of the daily routine, share moments with our families and friends, and share moments with our family and friends.to get away from the daily routine, to share moments with our families and friends.
This year, especially with the pandemic situation, many of us decided to take a different vacation, but a vacation nonetheless.
However, with or without travel, some people experience a state of discomfort when their vacation is over. It is the Post-vacation Syndrome..
The psychological benefits of vacations
The vacations fulfill a fundamental role to be able to disconnect mentally of our day to day life.We are always looking for ways to reduce stress, take a break from routines, and enjoy the things we like to do in our free time.
During the year, we complain that this free time doesn't exist and that we don't have time for anything. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of this time for ourselves and to be able to share it with others. Do what we like. We never have time or we always make excusesSo, this is the time to put into practice what we would like to do.
Other basic functions of vacations are to renew energy for the rest of the year, to make an evaluation of ourselves, to reconnect with our inner world, to enjoy the moments of daily life that we find so difficult during the year because we are invested in our routines.
In these changes of routine we eat differently, we have different schedules, and all this makes us relax and makes it more difficult for us to return to our old life.. The first days of vacation we are still connected to our daily habits, but it is a matter of a couple of days to start with our vacation lifestyle.
The Post-vacation Syndrome
Returning to the routine again sometimes generates what we call Post-vacation Syndrome.We disconnect so much that we find it difficult to face our day-to-day obligations again.
This syndrome has manifestations in both physical and psychological symptoms, and in this phenomenon the main symptom is the lack of energy, which is reflected in fatigue, alterations in the body and the lack of energy. is expressed in fatigue, sleep disturbances, apathy, lack of concentration, irritation, nervousness, etc.. This leads us to face our routine in a maladjusted way.
Tips to manage this experience
From PSiCOBAi we provide you with some keys to overcome the return from vacations and avoid this lack of energy that sometimes generates.
1. You need some time to reconnect with your routine.
Sometimes we find it so hard to get out of our routine that when we do, it's even harder to get back into it. Therefore, it is important, if possible, to be able to return from vacation a few days earlier and make contact with the environment and slow down little by little to be able to adapt to our home and our obligations.
2. Adapt your schedule
It is important that a few days before you start to resume the rhythm of the schedules so that the first day back to our jobs, university or school, is not the first early morning after the vacations, as this has a negative effect on ourselves and we will not start the week in the same way.
3. Make the return a gradual one
This process of adaptation to our life must be gradual, so that it does not generate lack of energy, apathy, anxiety. That is why we insist on returning a few days earlier if possible.
4. Keep moving
It is important that during the vacations you can maintain a good level of activity.For example, if you are a person who plays sports, you should be able to continue doing so in order not to completely disconnect from our daily routines, since they will help us to return to our "default" way of life when we come back from vacation.
5. Get used to observing what you feel
It is necessary to be attentive to the emotions and feelings that the return from vacation generates in us.
6. Plan in your head what your next vacation will be.
This will also give you something else to motivate you.. It doesn't matter if you don't go to the destination you planned, the important thing is that it can be in your mind, and that you can think about disconnecting again.
7. Be patient
In a few days the symptoms should disappear, and there is less time left for your next disconnection.
8. Remember the images left by your vacations
These memories of experiences full of good times and anecdotes to remember can continue to provide you with good times after the holidays. can continue to provide you with good times after the vacations..
Final considerations
The Post-vacation Syndrome should not last more than 15 days, and in this period we should face this emotional pressure the first few days gradually. For this reason, it is very important to plan the return and be organized.
It is also necessary to avoid the kind of negative thoughts that lead us to nothing and make us get into a loop. Try to do activities outside of your work schedule that you enjoy and reconnect with yourself.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)