7 attitudes and things uneducated people do
For some, knowledge and culture are only useful if they translate into money, power and fame.
Although we live in societies full of art, interesting forms of expression and pieces of valuable knowledge, not everyone is interested in learning about what the world is like. Uneducated people are precisely those who, not for lack of means, but for lack of will, decide to stop learning about the complexity of social and natural reality.
However, it is not always easy to recognize ignorance where it occurs, since, in part, the fact that ignorance is seen as something positive in the media and in certain social circles camouflages this personal characteristic. It turns it into something good, that is, into something that is not called uneducated but rather "rebelliousness", "joviality" or "down to earth".
The characteristics of uneducated people
Below you can find a list with the characteristics and typical things that uneducated people do.
1. They don't know very basic things
Uneducated people learn just enough to be able to continue living the way they have become accustomed to. This means that it is common for their cultural level to differ little from that of a child who has just finished compulsory education. However, this is relative. There are also people who There are also people who need to know in detail things about a very specific area of work, such as finances, but who such as finance, for example, but who remain totally uneducated when it comes to any other type of knowledge. This leads us to the next characteristic.
2. They have a mercantilist conception of knowledge.
Another characteristic of uneducated people is that for them, knowledge only has value if it brings with it some kind of capital. knowledge only has value if it brings with it some kind of capital, whether directly economic or social.either directly economic or social. For example, having some knowledge of programming can open doors to high-paying jobs, and knowing about fashionable music can make it easier to make friends.
As a consequence, anything that does not translate into a likely gain in power or an improvement in living conditions is discarded as useless, a waste of time.
3. The mockery of curiosity
Uneducated people are distinguished not only by the amount of things they know, but also by their attitudes towards those who want to know more. This can be seen, for example, in the lack of understanding towards those who are interested in certain subjects that are not very well treated or are somewhat specialized. It is an attitude that can even turn into mockery, as if asking certain questions was a laughing matter because of its eccentricity..
4. They do not show initiatives to be formed of didactic form
Those who only pretend to learn what is just and necessary are usually left in the hands of centers of directed formation. On the other hand, educated people often realize that what they want to learn about is not taught in schools, so they learn it on their own. This is a difference that expresses the different philosophies from which the different philosophies from which each one conceives what culture is..
5. They get frustrated or angry if they are corrected.
Paradoxically, although uneducated people do not value culture, they interpret the corrections of others as attacks. The reason? The fact that these corrections are relevant publicly reveals that these pieces of knowledge are in fact something valuable, something that allows us to have a deeper understanding of things and in many casessomething that allows us to have a deeper understanding of things and that in many cases would make us change our minds about many topics that we think we know well.
In other words, what happens in these cases is something called cognitive dissonance: two ideas clash, and one of them is very important to us. In this case, the idea that our ignorance has been recognized by someone else clashes with the idea that it is not worthwhile to know in depth what is being talked about, something that for uneducated people can become a whole philosophy of life.
6. They show a polarized relationship with ignorance.
Another typical characteristic of uneducated people is that they cannot assume their ignorance naturally: they either praise it as something positive, or they desperately hide it wherever they notice that it could be exposed. On the contrary, those who are wise admit their ignorance with simplicity, since they consider that it is normal to not know things.
7. They run away from books
If they do read, they only read light novels or documents necessary for work; they never immerse themselves in moderately dense books.or do so because circumstances force them to do so.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)