Brain differences between "arts" and "science" students
Are there differences between the brains of a philology student and an engineering student?
It is quite common in the faculties to hear jokes about the inability of students of letters to cope with mathematical operations, or about the incompetence of engineers when it comes to understanding history.
These are stereotypes without much rational basis, but it seems that, deep down, they may contain certain truths..
Differences between the "literary" and "scientific" brain
Japanese neuroscience researcher Hikary Takeuchi and his team published a few weeks ago an interesting study on the structural differences between those who study science and those who study the humanities.
The Japanese team's work suggests that there are several notable differences between the brains of science majors and the brains of students in the humanities and humanities.
The results showed that, while science students have more gray matter in the medial prefrontal cortex, humanities students reported a higher density of gray matter in the medial prefrontal cortex., humanities students reported a higher density of white matter surrounding the right hippocampus..
This information could be obtained by examining a total of 491 participants, through an MRI brain scan. The research also controlled for several variables such as age and brain volume. Takeuchi explained these results by framing them within the classical theory of Simon Baron-Cohen on the Systematization of Empathy.
Following this model, it has been suggested that subjects who are attracted to impersonal systems are those who tend to like the study of science more. On the other hand, those who are attracted to letters and humanities correspond to the empathic type.
The 491 research participants underwent neurophysiological examinations and answered several questionnaires. Their cognitive functions were examined, particularly those that were speculated to be strongly linked to one's field of study, as well as other basic control cognitive functions that were presumed to have little relevance to the field of study.
Based on the data provided, this research represents the first time that differences between students' brain structures according to their field of study have been examined.. The initial hypothesis, which suggested that there were indeed asymmetries, was proved.
Science students' brains resemble those of autistic people
The brain type of science students was reported to partially coincide with that of people with autistic spectrum conditions: they prefer to systematize events, it is not uncommon to observe some difficulty in language, they are less empathic and are less able to anticipate and foresee the thoughts and reactions of others.
Letters students have brains that are more focused on empathy.
On the other side, students of letters and humanities were associated with an ability profile more linked to empathy, that is, they were more able to identify with other subjects, understand them and show solidarity with them. However, a good number of these students exhibited difficulties in skills such as spatial recognition.
Testosterone level could be the key.
The research also looked at factors such as the higher or lower presence of fetal testosterone, and it was concluded that this variable played an important role in hippocampal development.It was concluded that this variable played an important role in the development of the hippocampus, making the difference between the two groups of students.
There is no doubt that this research, a pioneer in the analysis of brain differences between students, will be the first of many that will attempt to explain the differences in brain structure in each profession.
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(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)