Claustrophobia: definition, causes, symptoms and treatment
Extreme fear of small or narrow spaces can generate a lot of discomfort and anxiety.
Phobias are anxiety disorders and one of the most common is claustrophobia. Scientific studies affirm that between 2% and 5% of the population suffers from this type of phobia, which is an intense and irrational fear of being left in the dark. intense and irrational fear of being trapped in an enclosed space, and of which the person thinks he or she cannot and from which the person thinks he/she will not be able to get out.
Phobic disorders can cause great discomfort in the person who suffers from them, and can affect their daily life in different ways. For example, not being able to get on the elevator, not taking the subway to work or not being willing to undergo a CAT scan. People suffering from this condition avoid the situations that trigger the phobia and cause them intense anxiety.
In this article, we will analyze claustrophobia. by Ignasi Llorach, general health psychologist at Instituto Mensalus in Barcelona, one of the most prestigious clinics in Spain, and experts in the treatment of phobic disorders.
What is claustrophobia?
The claustrophobia belongs to the group of specific phobiasamong which there are also other irrational fears such as aerophobia (or fear of flying) or arachnophobia (or fear of spiders).
"It is an anxiety disorder that affects the person when exposed to enclosed spaces: small unventilated rooms, elevators, basements, tunnels, etcetera. In general, people suffering from claustrophobia experience irrational fear in any situation involving closure, restriction or confinement, as they think they will not be able to get out or will run out of air, i.e., they will not be able to breathe. People with claustrophobia may also feel great discomfort in places where there are large crowds of people," explains Llorach.
While some specific phobias are not necessarily disabling because sufferers tend to avoid what provokes fear, or it is difficult for them to encounter the feared stimulus in their usual environment (e.g., coulrophobia or fear of clowns), other phobias may provoke situations that generate discomfort more frequently, as in the case of in the case of claustrophobia.
Some individuals may refuse a job because of the inability to travel by train or car for relatively long periods or may avoid going to the movies with their partner because of the discomfort they feel when they find themselves in a darkened theater, where they automatically and compulsively look for exits.
Causes of this phobia
"Most phobias occur as a consequence of a traumatic event that occurred in childhood -says Llorach-, although the onset can come at any time in life, in which the person learns by association (classical conditioning) that enclosed spaces provoke negative consequences".
A famous research carried out by Lars-Gran found that claustrophobia usually starts in childhood, and common experiences that can trigger this pathology are: being locked in a dark room and not finding the door or the light switch, putting your head between two bars and then not being able to get it out, locking yourself in a closet, falling into a pool full of water without knowing how to swim or getting lost in a crowd of people and not being able to find your parents.
However, "learning does not always occur through direct experience, but can also happen through observation," says Llorach.
On the other hand, according to Seligman's theory of readinesswe are biologically predisposed to suffer phobias, since we more easily associate certain stimuli with negative responses because they favored our survival.
Phobic disorders are constituted by primitive and non-cognitive associations, which are not easily modified by logical arguments. This theory does not assume that phobias are innate, but that the individual has an innate ability to learn phobic reactions. innate capacity to learn phobic reactions.
Symptoms and signs
Claustrophobia can manifest itself in different situations.and the person suffering from this phobia may have different reactions. For example, entering a room and checking the place where the exits are in order to place himself close to them. He or she may also avoid driving the car during "rush hour" so as not to get stuck in a traffic jam.
When a person suffers from a phobic disorder, avoidance behaviors are present to reduce the discomfort and anxiety that characterizes this disorder.
In summary, people with claustrophobia present the following symptoms:
- Extreme anxiety and fear before the presence or imagination of the phobic stimulus.
- Avoidance behaviors.
- Thoughts that the person is going to run out of air.
- Thoughts of imminent death.
- Hyperventilation.
- Hypersweating.
- Accelerated heartbeat.
- tremors
- Chest Pain or tightness.
- Lightheadedness, nausea, dizziness and headaches.
Treatments and therapy
If you suffer from claustrophobia or any type of phobia, Ignasi Llorach reminds you that "it is possible to overcome the phobia with the right psychological treatment, and it is important to know that you are not alone, but that many people experience this type of phobia at some time in their lives and manage to overcome it. Moreover, you don't have to suffer it alone. Communicate your fears, because talking about it is very important to accept that you are suffering from this fear."
Psychological therapy is the best option to leave behind this irrational fear. There are many types of psychotherapy, but research has concluded that one of the most effective is cognitive behavioral therapy, which aims at intervention focused on changes in mental processes (thoughts, beliefs, emotions ...) and behaviors that the person performs and that may be maladaptive and cause suffering.
Relaxation techniques or exposure techniques are two widely used methodologies in the are two methodologies widely used in the treatment of phobic disorders. Specifically, the most commonly used exposure technique is systematic desensitization, which consists of gradually exposing the patient to the phobic stimulus and promotes the most useful coping skills. Mindfulness has also been shown to be highly effective in treating all types of anxiety disorders.
In extreme cases, pharmacological treatment (mainly anxiolytics) can be applied; however, never as the only therapeutic option but in combination with psychological therapy.
If you wish to receive psychological assistance for the treatment of a phobia or any other problem related to mental health and well-being, you can find the contact details of the Mensalus clinic by clicking here.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)