Cyrill Burts Model of Intelligence
A theory of the hierarchical structure of intelligence based on the work of Spearman.
In differential psychology, models of intelligence can be divided into two: factorial (hierarchical) or multifactorial (they consider intelligence as a set of skills independent of each other).
In this article we will analyze in detail a hierarchical model, Burt's Model of Intelligence. Cyrill Burt based himself on Charles Spearman's theory and added some changes. To explain intelligence, Burt establishes four primary factors and a general intelligence that encompasses them (G factor).
Burt's model of intelligence: characteristics
Hierarchical theories of intelligence divide its components into (from more specific to more general): specific factors (specific tests), smaller group factors, larger group factors and finally, at the top of the "pyramid", we find the well-known G factor.
Cyrill Burt (1883-1971) was an English psychologist who made contributions to educational psychology. who made contributions to educational psychology and statistics. He was one of the most advanced disciples or successors of Charles Spearman (1863-1945). His model of intelligence is a synthesis of the work done by his predecessors, and influenced the work of Cattell and Vernon.
He developed the so-called Burt Model of intelligence, a hierarchical model of intelligence, where he established different levels, "links" or hierarchically organized factors. He focused on the existence of a structure formed by four primary factors and a general intelligence that subsumes them..
Burt's Intelligence Model is a structural model based on a hierarchical ordering of intelligence factors. It defends the supremacy of genetic variables to explain differences in intelligence.
Burt's theory
Burt develops his theory through a hypothesis established in 1945, where he postulates differences in intellectual development. According to him, at the intellectual level, the hierarchical structure of intelligence is gradually reached, where all aptitudes occupy a specific place. These aptitudes are distributed from a level of indifferentiation (g) to a detailed level of specialization (s)..
Thus, in 1949, Burt's Model of Intelligence was developed. In it he recognizes the existence of 18 group factors located below the general intelligence factor "g", at different hierarchical levels.
Burt establishes that there is an unquestionable "g" factorThe correlations between cognitive tests are positive, but they are not hierarchical because there are factors that are common to certain types of tests but not to all.
Structure of intelligence
In Burt's Model of Intelligence, the author organizes the structure of intelligence into 5 increasingly complex levels, ranging from from the capture of stimuli to their processing and linking with other cognitive elements (as we will see in the next point). (as we will see in the next point).
According to C. Burt, intelligence is the general capacity whose structure is a hierarchical system of mental levels. As we have seen, Burt was Spearman's successor, and he completes the latter's model with two other factors: group factors and accidental factors.
Differences and similarities with Charles Spearman
As we have seen, Burt accepts from Spearman the idea of the existence of a universal capacity (which he calls General Intelligence). His G factor or General Intelligence, on the other hand, is of a practical rather than intellectual nature.
In addition, Burt's Intelligence Model differs from Spearman's in that it gives importance to a series of group factors that would be found between the "g" factor and Spearman's "s" factors.
The existence of these group factors coincides with the data provided by evolutionary studies that showed that from a formless intelligence a set of more specific aptitudes were generated until the development of very specific abilities or skills for certain tasks.
Hierarchical levels
The hierarchical levels established in Burt's Model of Intelligence are levels of mental processes.
These levels are differentiated by their degree of specificity, their content and the operations they include.. They are the following (ordered from more complex, general or hierarchical to less):
1. general factor
We start with the most general level (the fifth level). This is Spearman's G-factor, i.e, general intelligence. This factor allows, includes and encompasses the other four levels. Moreover, it influences and has an impact on them.
2. Relationship
These are the relational processes that we put into practice in our reasoning. They include the different processes that allow us to coordinate and manage the different mental processes.
3. Association
These are the associative processes related to memory and habit formation.. That is to say, they include the capacities of association, and allow us not only to relate elements, but also to recognize them, memorize them and form habits with them.
4. Perception
These are complex cognitive processes related to perception and coordination of movements. These processes allow us to the passage to the cognition of the captured information.
5. Sensation
This is the most basic and simple level. It includes the different basic sensory and motor capacities or skills available to us.
Bibliographical references:
- Andrés Pueyo, A. (1997). Manual de Psicología Diferencial. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
- Carbajo, M.C. (2011). History of intelligence in relation to the older people. Revista pedagógica, 24, 225-242.
- Sánchez Elvira Paniagua, A. (2005). Introduction to the study of individual differences. Madrid: Ed. Sanz y Torres. 2nd Edition.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)