Healthy breakfasts: which foods to use and which to avoid?
A review of the healthiest ingredients and foods for the first meal of the day.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, since it has to provide us with a large amount of energy in order to be able to cope with environmental demands. However, largely due to lack of time, many people simply grab a cup of coffee before rushing off to work.
Given that eating breakfast is important, it is worth asking the question what a healthy breakfast looks like or what it should include.. Throughout this article we look at some of the main elements that are recommended for the first meal of the day.
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The breakfast: why is it important to do it well?
As we all know, breakfast is the first meal of the day, which we usually eat in the morning shortly after waking up. It is also the most important meal, as it occurs after a relatively long period of time in which no nutrients have been introduced into the body. After a relatively long period of time in which no nutrients have been introduced into the body, breakfast is the most important meal.. Thus, breakfast is the first contact of the day with the energy that the body needs to function properly (in fact, the very term "de-fasting" refers to the cessation of the overnight fast).
This can lead to difficulties and discomforts such as problems in activating or concentrating, weakness or even dizziness or headaches in some cases, especially during the growth period. Eating a correct and balanced breakfast usually implies, besides avoiding to a great extent the possible appearance of the previous problems, the fact of having a higher level of energy that facilitates the functioning during the day, improving the mood and decreasing stress.
It also puts in operation our metabolismIt also makes us less hungry during the day, and makes it more difficult to suffer from metabolic problems such as Diabetes or heart disease. Likewise, it is usually considered a moment of relaxation and clearing, and in some cases a space for socializing, meeting and gathering among people who live together.
Despite this, it is common that many adults skip it or reduce it to a minimum, or that it is not done in a way that incorporates everything necessary to be really healthy. But what does a healthy breakfast look like?
What should a healthy and balanced breakfast include?
We will understand as a really healthy breakfast that one that contains sufficient fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in an adequate proportion, considering that it should be at least about 25% of daily calories.It is considered that they should represent at least 25% of the daily calories. In this sense, it is important to bear in mind that it is not only important to incorporate foods that provide these types of nutrients, but also to seek a point of balance in which they do not appear in excess.
That said, it should be noted that although in general most of us have similar needs, each person is different and it is possible that what is healthy and balanced for one is not for another, or even that certain foods do not feel good or should be avoided by certain types of population (for example in the case of food allergies, intolerances or various medical problems).
Below we will see the elements that most experts usually agree on considering adequate and necessary when preparing healthy breakfasts.
1. Dairy products
One of the products to which most importance is usually given. Generally the first idea that usually comes to mind is that of a bowl of milk, but you can also opt for other elements that can be used to prepare a healthy breakfast. but you can also opt for other elements such as cheese or yoghurt.. In this sense, one of the healthiest alternatives is kefir.
2. Cereals
It is important to introduce, especially in the first moments of the day, foods rich in carbohydrates, since they provide us with a large amount of energy.. Among them we can find the consumption of one or two slices of bread and/or cereals. It is advisable, also, that they are not sweetened or that in the case of the bread it is integral or of elements like the rye. Of course, we have to try not to make an abusive consumption either.
3. Source of proteins
Another essential element that is relevant to introduce in healthy breakfasts are proteins, which help us to repair and rebuild our body's cells and maintain their functioning. help us to repair and rebuild our body's cells and keep them functioning properly.. That is why it is advisable to introduce products rich in protein, whether vegetable or animal. A classic of many gastronomies and that turns out to be very healthy is the egg, as well as ham (either sweet or serrano).
4. Fruit
Another of the most frequent elements in a healthy breakfast is the presence of at least one piece of fruit. Any type of fruit can be recommended, being some of the most common in our society the orange (citrus fruits are highly recommended), the apple or the banana. They are usually healthy and digestive foods, as well as rich in natural sugars.
Another very common option, although not as recommendable (since some of the beneficial properties of the fruit, such as those of the skin, are lost) is to drink a juice. In case of opting for this alternative, it must be taken into account that sometimes its consumption together with milk can generate some discomfort. consumption together with milk may cause some discomfort, and should not be abused.It should not be abused, as it contains a large amount of sugar. A last option is the use of jams, although they are usually highly sweetened.
5. Healthy fats
In addition to the previous foods, it can be of interest to introduce in the breakfast products rich in good fats: the unsaturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. Among some foods that include this type of fats we can find nuts or items such as avocado. In addition, these foods can be easily mixed with dairy products such as yogurt or elements such as bread, or even integrated into a small salad.
To avoid
We have seen the main elements that are part of the healthiest and most balanced breakfasts, but it is also necessary to take into account that some foods should be avoided or at least restricted, as they are unnecessary and they are unnecessary and excessive and can cause bloating.
These include processed and refined products, with special relevance on the part of carbohydrates and sugars. In this sense it is advisable to avoid industrial pastries or excess sugar, as well as the use of products as natural as possible and if possible wholemeal (as in the case of bread).
Fried foods should be avoided. In case of using juice it is much more advisable to use the one elaborated at home, since the buyer usually has a high amount of sugar. With regard to butter and margarine or the use of jams, although they are usually common in our breakfast, the truth is that they are not recommended, since while the former are usually made up of saturated fats, the latter have massive amounts of sugar. Soft drinks are not recommended either.
(Updated at Apr 12 / 2024)