Laughter: what is it for and how many types of laughter are there?
Psychology explains why human beings laugh, and its function.
There are few things that leave a better sensation than laughing for real.. Traditionally associated with well-being and comfort, laughter is an element that has always been part of our way of acting and is an emotional expression that we share with other species such as chimpanzees.
But although we generally laugh when we feel happy and fulfilled, we can also laugh out of nervousness, and even in a cynical and false way for something that hurts us, outrages us or disgusts us. In reality, we can laugh at many things and in many different ways. And although it is something we see and experience very often, we may wonder What is laughter? What is it for? How many types are there? In this article we will briefly explore the subject.
- Recommended article: "Laughter therapy: the psychological benefits of laughter".
Laughter: what is it?
What we understand by laughter is the union of a set of mouth and facial movements that we make at the same time that we emit. Laughing involves an alteration of different systems, such as the respiratory system (air intake becomes irregular during laughter) and cardiac, which are stimulated by this action, while a total of about fifteen facial muscles contract and dilate.
Blood flows to the face, reddening it to a greater or lesser extent, and if the laughter is sincere and strong, it is possible to tear up or even experience gastrointestinal disturbances. As far as sound emission is concerned, we emit a chain of sounds of the same tonality that is repeated every 210 milliseconds.
Laughter is a physiological response that occurs as a reaction to external or internal stimulation.. It is a reaction to stimulation that helps us to discharge the energy caused by certain generally emotional aspects. What exactly causes laughter is something that has been analyzed and discussed, and there are differences depending on the type of emotional reaction that provokes it.
Laughing is not something unique and specific to humans, but has also been seen in other primates, dogs and even rats.dogs and even in rats. Generally, it arises at moments when the subject feels wellbeing and enjoys the situation in which he/she is at the moment, the content of the interaction or aspects inferred from his/her own or other people's behavior.
Brain alterations during laughter
The neurological pathways that are activated during laughter can be multiple depending on the type of laughter that is being emitted, the emotions that are awakened or the emotions that are aroused.the emotions aroused or the sincerity with which it is emitted.
If laughter is generated by an external stimulus, such as a conversation, it is first detected by Wernicke's area of the left parietal and then connected to the hippocampus, basal ganglia and limbic system (where the emotional significance of the event that will generate laughter is evaluated). The brain reward system synthesizes and releases a torrent of dopamine if the information is valued as positive and original.
Endorphins and oxytocin are also generated, which explains the feelings of relaxation and fullness typical of sincere laughter.
Thus, in general, we can say that the limbic system and its connection with the prefrontal cortex (which regulates social stimuli and the inhibition of emotions and contributes to information processing), as well as with the basal ganglia (especially the nucleus accumbens) and in general the brain's reward circuitry are of great importance when it comes to laughter. The primary motor cortex and premotor cortex are also involved, although in this case laughter is usually voluntary and forced. Finally, the autonomic nervous system the responses that produce the reddening and tearing of the eyes..
Functions and benefits of laughter
We have talked about what laughter is and the brain structures involved in it, but is it beneficial to us? What is the function of laughter?
The answer to the first question is yes, due to the different functions and benefits of laughing.
1. It allows the release of energy provoked by emotions.
We can imagine laughter as an explosive reaction, which arises more or less suddenly. The movements performed allow to externalize the emotions and to reduce the level of internal tension that these generate on the organism. This is true for both positive and negative emotions.
2. It provokes physical and psychic activation
Although the previous point refers to the fact that it allows to liberate energy, the fact is that another of the functions of laughter is to provoke an increase in one's own activity.. Laughing tends to clear our minds and recharge our energy reserves, improving our mood and prompting us to act.
3. Reduces stress and pain
It has been shown that laughing increases levels of dopamine and oxytocin, as well as that this action generates a feeling of well-being.It has also been shown that this action generates a significant decrease in the level of cortisol in the blood. In this way, laughter reduces the level of stress and anxiety. It also reduces the level of perceived pain.
4. It improves our health
One of the many benefits of laughter is the fact that it improves our state of health by improving the functioning of the immune system and the capacity of oxygenation, stimulating our heart rate andstimulating our heart rate and lowering Blood pressure.
5. Function of adaptation to the social environment
Laughing is an act of communication that humans and most species that show the ability to do so use as a bonding mechanism. It is an action that facilitates social interaction and connection with others.It is an action that facilitates social interaction and connection with others, an aspect that is enhanced because it is contagious and facilitates the same emotional state in others. In addition, hormones are released that facilitate feeling good and close to the environment with which we laugh.
Among the social functions of laughter we find the fact that it allows us to approach and encourage belonging to a group, as well as to reduce tensions among group members. It also allows conflict management in which we can negotiate, share and contrast the existing perspectives in the group on certain realities.
6. Generates sexual attraction
Several studies indicate that a sense of humor and the ability to laugh greatly influence whether one person is attracted to another. Generally, heterosexual men are generally attracted to women who tend to laugh genuinely, while women tend to be attracted to men who laugh genuinely, while women tend to be attracted to women who laugh genuinely.While women are attracted to men who, although they do not have to laugh often, show a sense of humor and know how to provoke laughter.
7. It has defensive functions
Laughter also has a psychic function linked to self-defense. Through laughter, the human being is able to reduce the level of fear and anxiety generated by different external or internal stimuli. It also allows us to relativize situations, and is even linked to the capacity for resilience or overcoming adversity.
It is also an element that usually arises when we become aware of a cognitive dissonance, as a mechanism to reduce the level of fear and anxiety generated by different external or internal a mechanism to reduce the level of tension that it produces in us.
8. But also offensive
Although in general laughter is linked to positive sensations, we cannot ignore that in many occasions it is also used in an aggressive way to attack or control our fellow men and women.. This is what happens when laughter is used to mock or laugh at other people. By means of laughter, the attacker can establish an attempt to feel superiority with respect to the attacked person and either dominate the concrete situation or diminish his own state of dissatisfaction. This can occur on a conscious or unconscious level.
Different types of laughter
There are multiple classifications regarding types of laughter.typologies can be made according to the level of intensity, the function they have or if the laughter in question is genuine or voluntary.
Technically, hundreds of them could be described. A few of them are highlighted below.
1. Genuine laughter
This is the type of laughter that is natural and involuntary.It is the type of laughter that is provoked by stimulation or emotions without there being an objective for its emission. It is the type of laughter that generates important benefits. It is generally linked to happiness or positive aspects.
2. Simulated laughter
It is a laughter that is produced intentionally and voluntarily.. Social laughter can be included in this group. It is generally carried out when the person who emits it has a specific objective, whether it is to belong to the group, to generate bonds, to express displeasure or irony or to attack someone.
3. Social laughter
This laughter is usually a subtype of simulated laughter, although it can also occur genuinely. It is the use of laughter as a communicative element with our peers, aimed at expressing approval or appreciation.It is the use of laughter as a communicative element with our peers, aimed at expressing approval or appreciation or generating bonds.
4. Substance-induced laughter
Some substances, medicines and drugs can induce in the subjects states of happiness, well-being and expansive mood that can end up causing laughter. It is also possible that they can provoke laughter without arousing positive emotions..
5. Pathological laughter
Certain neurological and/or psychiatric pathologies can cause sudden, out-of-place laughter or laughter without the existence of positive emotions.out of place or without there being a reason for such laughter. They may be empty laughter, and unless accompanied by the relevant emotional reaction, they do not generate health benefits.
6. Laughter provoked by tickling
Tickling, the pleasurable stimulation of certain sensitive regions of our body such as armpits, feet, neck or even hands, can generate in a large number of people a reaction in the form of laughter. This type of laughter is special, as the stimuli that provoke it are physical.. However, it should be noted that they also occur in a context in which we are in contact with other people, usually in a playful environment (although there are related tortures).
7. Denigrating laughter
This type of laughter fulfills the function of ridiculing another person.. It is a laughter provoked with a determined purpose, being generally simulated.
8. Nervous laughter
This type of laughter is usually genuine, although not due to pleasurable feelings but to the need to lower the level of internal tension that the person suffers from due to nervousness or stress. the need to lower the level of internal tension that the person suffers from due to nervousness or stress.. Basically, the subject laughs because he/she does not know how to react to a situation or what to do next.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)