Purslane: 12 properties and benefits of this medicinal plant
A plant whose properties have made it a common ingredient in natural remedies.
Our organism is a highly complex system, formed by different interconnected subsystems. This system is not closed and can be affected by external elements that can harm us.
Although we also possess certain natural defenses that combat external (or internal) harmful elements, it is not uncommon that at different times in our lives we are overcome by some kind of disease with which the body will have to fight.
Fortunately, the progressive knowledge of the environment that surrounds us has caused that throughout its history the human being knew the existence in nature of different plants with medicinal properties, whose consumption can help us (although usually slightly) to strengthen our defenses and even help us to combat difficulties such as nausea or fever (a knowledge that was essential especially in times when medicine was barely developed).
One of these medicinal plants is the portulaca oleracea or purslane, known and applied since the Middle Ages.known and applied since ancient times, of which throughout this article we will see a total of 12 properties and benefits.
Properties and benefits of purslane
Purslane or Portulaca oleracea is a small but highly resistant and adaptable plant that is extremely easy to find in nature. Although it is often considered a weed, it has many uses and some consider it a superfood due to its composition. In addition, it has been used since ancient times, it has been used in cooking since ancient times and some of its properties and some of its medicinal properties were known.
However, it should also be taken into account that people with ulcers and certain gastric problems should avoid it (as it increases intestinal motility), and it is not recommended for pregnant women or during pregnancy. it is also not recommended for pregnant women or during breastfeeding..
Next we are going to see some of the multiple advantages and properties that it has, specifically a dozen.
1. Helps to improve circulation and cardiovascular function
This plant is undoubtedly one of the vegetables with the highest level of omega-3, favoring the circulation and cardiovascular function. the proper functioning of the cardiovascular systemhelping to fight cholesterol and contributing to prevent possible problems in the cardiovascular system.
2. It is diuretic
One of the advantages of purslane is the fact that its consumption has diuretic effects, facilitating the emission of urine and kidney function in general.. Thanks to this, it also allows the expulsion of harmful elements and waste from our body. It can be useful in urinary infections or in people with edema or fluid retention.
3. Promotes excretion
In addition to diuresis, purslane also contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive tract thanks to its high level of fiber, facilitating excretion. In fact, it has laxative effects. It also benefits the secretion of enzymes by the liver.
4. It has Anti-Inflammatory properties
The composition of this plant, rich in mucilage, also has anti-inflammatory effects, thus contributing to the reduction of inflammations. contributes to reduce inflammations both generated by infections and other problems.
5. It has been used as an analgesic
Purslane has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times in the treatment of some types of pain (for example headache or toothache), having analgesic effect.
6. Antiseptic and antifungal
This plant also helps to prevent the growth of some bacteria, contributing to the proper functioning of the immune system. Also It is also useful with fungi and even with some parasites..
7. Beneficial for diabetes
It has been observed that the consumption of purslane helps to reduce blood glucose levels, which may contribute to regulate the glycemic status of patients with diabetes as well as their insulin resistance.
8. Helps against anemia
This plant has as we are seeing a lot of important properties derived from its components. With a high level of vitamins, minerals, beta-carborenes and amino acids and being considered a possible superfood, if it is introduced in the diet it can contribute to the improvement of anemic states and the lack of certain nutrients. and the deficiency of certain essential nutrients.
9. Reduces fever
Due to the aforementioned properties, it contributes to reduce fever caused by various infections.
10. Helps to control gynecological disorders
Some studies seem to affirm that the seeds of this plant contribute to stabilize the menstrual cycle contribute to stabilize the menstrual cycle in women with irregular bleeding.. However, it has also been observed that it could facilitate the onset of contractions, which, as we have said, makes it inadvisable in pregnancies.
11. Antioxidant
It has also been observed to contain components such as betalains, which contain relevant and known antioxidant properties. It contributes to reduce cellular damage by oxidation and helps to stabilize free radicals.
12. Improves hair and skin health
Another property of purslane, due to its high percentage of nutrients and its antioxidant effects its antioxidant effectsAnother property of purslane, due to its high percentage of nutrients and its antioxidant effects, is that it contributes to maintain and strengthen the health of hair and skin and allows to treat pigmentation problems, burns or other dermatoses.
Bibliographical references:
- García, A. (2015). Phytochemical evaluation and nutraceutical properties of Portulaca oleracea and Achillea millefolium. National Polytechnic Institute. Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Biotechnology. Mexico.
- Moscuzza, N. (2016). Purslane: a healthy alternative. REDI- FASTA University Digital Repository [Online]. Available at: http://redi.ufasta.edu.ar:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1271.
- Pérez-Santana, D.; Martínez-Pérez, D. and Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L (2015). Evaluation of the antioxidant properties of Averrhoa Carambola and Portulaca Oleracea L. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences, 1 (2). Havana, Cuba.
(Updated at Apr 11 / 2024)