Jul 5 / 2020
Table according to ages
- Flexed body
- Flexed limbs
- Archaic reflections present
- Closed hands
- Interest in looking at their faces (especially his mother's)
- It reassures him to hear Mom's voice
- Crying
- Less body flex, more relaxed attitude
- Turns head to the side and lifts it briefly when face down
- Extends legs and arms when lying down
- Open your hands when relaxed and asleep
- Sucks everything that is offered
- Fix your gaze
- Eye tracking: gaze at an object
- Is startled by sudden noises
- Smile at mother
- Social smile (second month)
- Cry to communicate
- Likes to hear the human voice
- Makes sounds
- He turns his head to known voices (especially that of the mother)
- Supports your forearms when lying on your stomach
- Raises the head when about 45º when it is face down
- Hold your head if we take it in our arms
- Kicks when we lay him on his back
- Open hands most of the time
- Directs the hand to the object but does not reach it
- Holds an object and puts it in his mouth
- He plays with his hands and brings them together
- Follows an object moving horizontally
- Follow a sound and turn your head towards the sound focus
- Attend a conversation
- Recognize the bottle
- Defense reflex (closes eyes if an object is suddenly close to the face)
- More specific cry
- Smile at people outside the family environment
- Vocalize
- Can respond to sounds made to him
- Laughs loudly
- You play with his legs and feet and he brings them to his mouth
- Holds head perfectly
- Supports hands when face down
- May begin to sit in a chair with a back (6 months)
- Directs hand to objects and reaches for them
- Leave the object you have in your hand to pick up a different one
- Ulna-palmar grasp (sweeps with the hand to bring objects closer to see)
- You can start holding the bottle for a little while
- Drink from a glass if offered
- Follows a vertically moving object with your gaze
- Increased expressive resources
- Recognizes routines, can anticipate things to come
- He expresses his feelings (disgust, joy ...)
- Gurgling
- Says consonants and monosyllables ("ba", "ma" ...)
- Turns over: goes from face down to face up (7th month)
- Go from face up to face down (eighth month)
- He sits down with the support of his hands. No support at eight months
- Start the drag
- Roll on itself
- Pass objects from one hand to another
- Can hold a different object in each hand
- Everything is in his mouth
- He explores the objects he picks up and smashes them to the ground
- Begin to understand "cause and effect"
- Look for an object that has fallen; he likes to throw objects on the ground
- Recognize everyday sounds (doorbell, door ...)
- React to "no!"
- You are struck by your image reflected in a mirror
- Likes to play hide and seek and find a disappearing face
- Separation anxiety (cries or is upset when separated from mother)
- Enjoy with your own voice
- Babbling
- Nonsense disyllables ("dada", mama ")
- Stands supported
- Sits alone
- Crawl
- Thumb clamp
- Clapping
- Eat just one cookie
- Put one object inside another
- Chop two objects that he has picked up
- Search for an object that has disappeared
- Reach out for them to catch it
- Say goodbye
- Nonspecific bisyllables
- Yells and babbles to get the attention of adults
- It includes some simple command: "give me"
- Sitting he turns to pick up an object
- He walks holding one hand. You can take your first steps a year.
- Gets up alone
- Puts objects inside a box
- Try to make two cube towers
- Drink from a glass
- Turn the pages of a story
- Roll balls
- Understand a ban
- Look for mom and dad when they are named
- Are you interested in stories with pictures
- Imitate simple gestures
- Express what you want with gestures
- Help out a bit by dressing him up
- Dance to the music
- Understand the meaning of some words
- Turns when they say his name
- Says one to three meaningful words
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)