The 7 keys to improve your self-knowledge
How can we get to know who we really are?
Knowing yourself is one of the great keys to living with well-being and achieving personal development. Therefore, in this article we will see what are the main keys to improve self-knowledge..
How to improve self-knowledge
Since the beginning of humanity we know that knowing oneself and giving a purpose to one's life is what makes us live with meaning, well-being and fulfillment. However, we tend to live like automatons and without being aware of who we are, why we think the way we do, how we have created the needs we think we have, what we are afraid of or even what our purpose in life is.
Why is it so difficult to improve self-knowledge? Just as when you look in the mirror you see your face upside down, so it is with who you think you are, something similar happens with who you think you are. You see yourself thinking that your beliefs, needs or fears are real. However, you believe them to be real because you identify with them.
So, we will now review several keys to improve your self-knowledge and thus discover who you are and what your purpose in life is. In my case, I have discovered them during 10 years of experience accompanying people from up to 5 different countries to know themselves better and discover their great purpose. This is what I have learned from all of them and what you can apply in your life from the beginning. what you can apply in your life from to discover who you really are.
1. Forget who you think you are
The big mistake we make with our self-knowledge is thinking we already know who we are. If you try to answer the question "who am I?"If you are a name, you will discover that you can only answer it with identifications.
You think you are a name, a nationality, a way of thinking, a profession, and so on. But these are only identifications and attributes. To know who you really are, you must first forget everything you think you are now.
2. Don't label yourself
To know yourself deeply you need to delve into every layer of your personalityFrom your environment, behavior and attitudes, to your belief system, values and identity. To achieve this, it is imperative that you do not label yourself or believe that you are personality type A or B.
Self-awareness tools that give you a label are very misunderstood. These tools serve to keep you from identifying yourself, not to make you identify yourself. Try not to identify yourself 100% through these tools or label yourself with anything.
3. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or what your purpose is.
If anyone gives you advice, guides you, directs you and tries to tell you who you are, they will only be lending you their ideas and beliefs..
Only you decide who you are and what your purpose is, and you get it if you start a process of deep self-knowledge where you free yourself from what you think you are and build a new personality, more related to your essence and not to your ego (fictions created throughout your life about who you think you are).
4. Start a transpersonal process
Transpersonality means "beyond personality" and personality is a word that comes from Pessoa, from Latin, and means "mask". Exactly, your personality is your masknot who you really are. A transpersonal process is what will lead you to overcome your ego and discover your authentic purpose.
5. Answer the right questions
The great tool to get to know yourself is questions. However, it is a mistake for you to ask yourself these questions. You must answer them. In a process of self-knowledge and change an expert professional asks you the right questions.
6. Apply what you have learned to your life
It is not just a matter of answering or reflecting, but of applying in your life each of the changes you discover that you have to make. Your new life will be built if you make it a reality with different actions, not only with good intentions.not only with good intentions. This is the only way you will be able to know yourself: acting and discovering yourself.
7. Seek expert company
In the last 10 years, as I told you, I have accompanied people from up to 5 different countries to achieve changes in their lives and the personal development they deserved. I did it as a psychologist and coach, and in all those cases I discovered that self-knowledge was key.
That's why I designed Conócete, a free self-knowledge program. to take the first steps and answer the right questions. With the professional and expert company, which functions as a mirror, that journey takes you inward with total safety and ethics. You can find this program within Empoderamiento Humano, the personal development school I run.
Improving your self-knowledge is a process that can take some time, but with the right company you can get to know yourself and discover your greater life purpose in about two months. It is a deep and very special process to which I invite you from now on, because it is you and your life who will change thanks to your own change.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)