The 7 most abused drugs in the world, and their effects.
Some of these drugs are so popular that many people underestimate their harmful effects.
One thing that defines drugs is that, beyond their potential psychoactive effects and their capacity to generate serious addictions, they have reached practically every corner of human societies. Today we can speak of massive drug consumption, and in some cases, their use has become so normalized that it can even be controversial to talk about the harmful effects of some of the most popular drugs.
In this article we will take a look at the most widely consumed drugs in the world, their characteristics, and why they are used.and we will see their characteristics, and why they are harmful and a reason for professional assistance in case of addiction.
How does drug addiction arise on a massive scale?
There are many substances in the world with the ability to enter the human brain and interfere with its functioning. Many of them, moreover, not only alter the normal dynamics of the nervous system, but also make changes that predispose us to want to repeat the experience of consuming that substance.
This process by which consuming something directly affects our behavior by going to the basis of everything we do, the brain, has meant not only that millions of people have seen their lives turned upside down by drugs, but also that drug consumption can now be understood as a sociological phenomenon, which does not occur in isolated individuals.
Of course, many psychologists see in this fact the need to offer services specially designed to help addicted people. Andrés Quinteros Turinetto, psychologist and Director of the Centro de Psicología Cepsim, with several locations in Madrid, points out that addictions are so complex that in his center they propose intervention programs in which they always work from a double psychiatric and psychotherapeutic approach..
To deal with this, the Cepsim team has created an institution called CEPSIM-CETRAD, which starts from the beginning with a comprehensive therapy that combines both approaches. To do otherwise would not be as effective, Adrés Quinteros points out, because where there is behavior (psychology) there is a functioning brain (psychiatry), and vice versa..
Therefore, whenever we talk about the most commonly consumed drugs, we are not only talking about substances, but also about the behavioral dynamics that often go hand in hand with their consumption: addictive substances are nothing without the actions that lead to wanting to consume more, and mental health professionals can work on modifying these behavioral patterns.
The most commonly used drugs and their effects
As we have seen, although the most popular and widely used drugs vary in their effects, they are all based on changes in the brain and modifications in the consumer's behavior, predisposing him or her to continue using. This vicious circle is responsible for the existence today of such ubiquitous substances as the following.
It should not be forgotten that alcohol is a drug that, although it is legal in practically all countries, has two characteristics that make it a very dangerous drug, has two characteristics that make it very dangerousIt is one of the most addictive drugs, and its effects greatly increase the probability of death not only in those who consume it, but also in others, because it leads to risky behavior. In addition, it is one of the most widely consumed drugs, and the age at which people start drinking products containing this substance is decreasing.
On the other hand, the process of quitting alcohol is one of the most complicated, due to the aforementioned intensity of the dependence it generates in consumers who abuse it. For this reason, treatment by medical and psychological professionals is essential, says Andrés Quinteros.says Andrés Quinteros.
2. Tobacco
Tobacco is another drug that is so popular that we often forget what it is.
It is a highly addictive substance with a very significant impact on our health, because although its effects on the mind are not usually as intense as those of the other drugs we see here (beyond predisposing us to adjust our behavior to addiction), it damages our circulatory system and in addition to greatly increasing our chances of suffering from cancer, it makes the body in general function worse and age earlier.
3. Cocaine
Cocaine is one of the most consumed psychostimulants.It appears in many different contexts: from parties and concerts to offices and workplaces, and of course also in homes.
This is because the excitatory effects of cocaine are not only sought after for the feeling of euphoria they produce, but also because certain work environments are so harsh that workers see in this substance a short-term support.
4. Amphetamine
Amphetamines are based on excessive potentiation of the effects of dopamine and noradrenaline, substances that are naturally present in the brain and act as neurotransmitters, i.e. messenger molecules that go from one neuron to another.These substances are naturally present in the brain and act as neurotransmitters, i.e. messenger molecules that go from one neuron to another.
On the other hand, the stimulant effects of amphetamines have meant that in certain cases, and only under medical supervision, versions of this substance are used as drugs to treat some disorders, such as narcolepsy or ADHD.
Andres Quinteros points out that the use of this substance as a drug, although it can be relatively beneficial in specific cases, always goes hand in hand with the risk of patients developing dependence.
5. Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine is a psychostimulant related to amphetamine, which as we have seen is also one of the most widely consumed drugs, especially in Western countries. It is also one of the most addictive drugs in the world, which is why it is so prevalent in the drug trade. is very present in the drug trade and is only and is only available legally through medical prescription.
Although the effects of this substance begin with a state of general excitement, Andrés Quinteros explains that many people hooked on this drug end up in a state of stagnation and constant exhaustion due to the fact that they become unable to sleep for several days..
6. Cannabis
Cannabis or marijuana is a substance extracted from the different variants of the Cannabis sativa plant, and bases its psychoactive function on a molecule called tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.. Marijuana has the particularity that it presents ambivalence regarding its capacity to induce states of depression or activation of the nervous system, since it is capable of generating states of calm and relaxation as well as excitement and euphoria.
On the other hand, other typical effects of cannabis are the disordering of ideas and speech, disorientation and the induction of states of confusion or even paranoia. In some cases, there are also dissociative effects, such as hallucinations or derealization, and one of its most dangerous effects should not be forgotten: its ability to trigger psychotic outbreaks in people genetically predisposed to it. in people genetically predisposed to it.
While other widely consumed drugs are used mainly in social contexts, in comparison, the characteristics of cannabis favor that this substance is consumed alone or in very small groups, maintaining a passive attitude.
On the other hand, although cannabis is not as addictive as other illegal drugs, it has been shown that it is capable of generating dependence, something to which adolescents and young adults, the main consumers of marijuana, are particularly vulnerable.This is something to which adolescents and young adults, the main consumers of marijuana, are particularly vulnerable.
Also known as Ecstasy or Mollythis drug is linked to recreational contexts and specifically to electronic music events, although its popularity is such that it has long since surpassed that kind of scene. In fact, it is one of the drugs most commonly consumed by young people on weekends, usually while socializing.
The effects of MDMA, which appear within 45 minutes of ingesting the dose, have to do with the onset of a feeling of satisfaction and euphoria, as well asand euphoria, as well as increased extraversion and a desire to socialize. But beyond its effects as a stimulant drug, Ecstasy can cause very dangerous imbalances in the body's ability to regulate temperature, as well as high-risk kidney complications.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)