The 70 best phrases and expressions in French
French reflections and sayings to share on your social networks.
We live in times of unprecedented multiculturalism and linguistic interaction, where people write on social networks, blogs and columns expressing their feelings. In many cases, they use short phrases to give more notoriety to their messages, as well as to give added value to their thoughts.
Thanks to platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram and other instant messaging services, phrases in a foreign language have become contagious and massified in a very accepted way. Memes and idioms in the French language are the order of the day..
- Recommended article: "The 80 best phrases in English (with translation)".
Short phrases in French
If you are one of those people who like to play with mixed verbiage and paraphrasing in another language, a continuación te dejamos algunas de las mejores expresiones y frases cortas en francés que puedes utilizar.
1. Tâter le terrain
Tantear el terreno.
2. To turn the other cheek
To turn the other cheek
3. Touching wood
¡Toca madera!
4. Turn around the pot
Andarse por las ramas.
5. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush
¡Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando!
6. A storm in a glass of water
Ahogarse en un vaso de agua.
7. See thirty-six candles
Ver las estrellas.
8. Like in a mill
Como pedro por su casa.
9. To go to someone like a glove
Sentar como anillo al dedo.
10. To call a spade a spade
Al pan pan y al vino vino.
11. To hold the spittoon
Hablar por los codos.
12. To tip one's hat to someone
Me quito el sombrero.
13. You might as well look for a needle in a haystack
Buscar una aguja en un pajar.
14. To have a compass in your eye
Tener buen ojo.
15. Talkative as a magpie
Hablar como una cotorra.
16. To yawn until one's jaw drops
To think in musarañas.
17. After the rain, the good weather
Después de la tempestad viene la calma.
18. At the end of his roll
A punto de estirar la pata.
19. At the end of the tunnel
El final del túnel.
20. To give back the change
Pagar con la misma moneda.
21. To know where the wind comes from
Arrimarse al sol que más calienta.
22. That's where it hurts
La olma de mi zapato.
23. To break someone's feet
Dar la lata.
24. To change a one-eyed horse for a blind one
From Guatemala to Guatepeor.
25. To kill two birds with one stone
Dos pájaros de un tiro.
26. To make someone's eyes look like velvet
Hacer ojitos.
27. To make the rain and the sun shine
Ser el amo.
28. To make a fly
Hacer diana.
29. From thread to needle
Entre esto y lo otro...
30. To clear the floor
Ahuecar el ala.
31. Unveil the pot of roses
Descubrir el pastel.
32. Drawn to four pins
Of punta en blanco.
33. At the foot of the letter
Al pie de la letra.
34. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed are kings
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
35. To crush in the egg
Cortar de raíz.
36. To be the fifth wheel
Ser el último mono.
37. To be born under a lucky star
Tener estrella.
38. To drink like a sponge
Beber como una cosaco.
39. Mouth sewn!
40. It's a piece of cake
Está chupado.
41. Practice makes perfect
La práctica hace al maestro.
42. To do nothing
Llevarse un jarro de agua fría.
43. To do something against bad luck
Al mal tiempo, buena cara.
44. To stab in the back
Puñalada trapera.
45. In April, don't be afraid; in May, do as you please
Hasta el cuarenta de mayo, no te quites el sayo.
46. To make a fuss
Make a mountain out of a molehill.
47. In the blink of an eye
Hacerlo in a fold.
48. To break down an open door
Descubrir América.
49. To close your eyes on something
Hacerse el sueco.
50. Crazy as shit
Loco de atar.
51. Happy as a lark
Feliz como una perdiz.
52. Mood of a dog
Estar de mala hostia.
53. Throwing money out the window
Tirar la casa por la ventana.
54. Shoemakers are always the worst shod
En casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo.
55. To walk like on wheels
Ir sobre raíles.
56. To put sticks in the wheels
Poner palos en las ruedas.
57. To put the chip in the ear
Tener la mosca detrás de la oreja.
58. There is no smoke without fire
No hay humo sin fuego.
59. It's raining nails
Llover a cántaros.
60. Don't go to extremes
No andarse por las ramas.
61. Hang on by a thread
Pender de un hilo.
62. To sponge over something
Borrón y cuenta nueva.
63. To put the finger on something
Dar de pleno.
64. To pay on time
Pagar a toca teja.
65. When you talk about the wolf, you see its tail
¡Hablando del rey de Roma!
66. Those who look alike come together
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
67. To beat one's head against the wall
De cabeza contra la pared.
68. To hit the bull's eye
Dar en el blanco.
69. My little finger told me
Me lo ha dijo un pajarito.
70. Don't have your tongue in your pocket
No tener pelos en la lengua.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)