Trifold: parts, types and functions of this document
A summary of the types, parts and features of this kind of brochure widely used in marketing.
The trifold is a type of printed document that is divided into three parts (hence its name) and contains basic information to promote brands, products or services.
Unlike other graphic resources used in marketing and advertising, the trifold contains a relatively large amount of ideas, data and content in general, and does not appeal so much to emotions, but responds to the need to synthesize information. In this way, all the space available on both sides of the brochure is used to display data that the person can consult over and over again, as if it were a small manual.
In this article we will see what are the defining characteristics of the trifold brochurewhat are its parts and functions, and how it is made. But first, let's start with the basics.
What is a trifold?
As we have seen, a trifold brochure is essentially a promotional brochure or a brochure with a strong corporate component (except in cases where it is used as a support for a work of art, as we will see), folded in 3 parts (having a pair of pleats, that is, a pair of points where the paper is folded) and printed on both sides.
Normally, the pleats follow a vertical axis, perpendicular to the direction of the text lines.. Thus, each of the parts of the trifold between the pleats forms columns of paragraphs separate from those on the other side of the fold.
As the trifolds actually have 6 sides because they are folded in 3 parts, they can contain a lot of information.This goes beyond the logic of attracting the attention of potential customers (which is the main objective of many conventional advertising pieces) and helps the potential customer to become actively involved in reading the text and examining the images that accompany the written part.
Types of trifold
This is a summary of the types of tri-fold brochures that exist.
1. Advertising leaflet
The purpose of this type of leaflet is to convince the reader to buy or continue buying a product or service..
They are usually obtained in reception rooms of entities that have some relationship or affinity with the entity that commissions the production of the leaflet, since it is understood that those who frequent these spaces are especially likely to be interested in what the leaflet talks about. This is the leaflet format on which we will focus more.
2. Propaganda leaflet
This is less common than advertising, but its objective is similar: it is also an attempt to convince. However, the aim is not the purchase of a product or service, but the adoption of a more or less general ideological system. the adoption of a more or less general ideological system..
For example, such a leaflet may try to convince people of the need to put pressure on the government for more funding for public health care, or it may give arguments in favor of anarchism in general.
3. Informative leaflet
In this case the persuasive component of the leaflet loses importance, and the need to inform the readers of something gains importance.. However, normally this document also tries to persuade, even if it is by offering an embellished image of the entity that commissions its production or that the text talks about.
These types of services are usually located within the facilities of a site that can be visited: museums, art galleries, ruins preserved and exhibited to the public, etc.
4. Artistic triptych
This type of triptych can take any form, because as such, it is only the material support on which it is only the material support on which a work of art is realized..
This includes both triptychs made on rigid materials associated with the religious iconography of certain confessions (such as the Orthodox Church of Eastern Europe) and some fanzines made in a more or less amateurish way in Western societies, divided into vignettes that tell a story.
Parts that make it up
One way to easily understand what are the basic characteristics of the triptych is to know the parts that constitute it. These are not very different from those that make up the basic structure of most texts in fiction and nonfiction, but in this case they take on certain nuances, given that they apply to a material that is normally from the world of marketing. they are applied to material that is normally pertaining to the world of marketing which, although it contains a lot of text, still relies heavily on images to please and attract attention.
Thus, the parts of the triptych are as follows.
1. Cover page
The cover page is the main visual element used in the design of the tri-fold brochure to attract attention.. Marketing and design specialists know that much of the persuasive power of this brochure will depend solely and exclusively on the quality of this first component of the trifold, and that is why they take great care with its details.
The cover must be perceived as a unique piece and easy to understand in its graphic and textual parts, so that it does not take much effort to know in a matter of seconds what kind of contents are in the brochure. The success of this will depend on whether more or less people start reading.
2. Introduction
The introduction is located on the back of the cover, and like the cover, it also aims to arouse the readers' interest; however, here the tool is the text, and not so much the image (although it can also be present).
A style of writing that is appealing, and not just correct or informative, is often used.. This helps potential clients or consumers to enter into the mindset of those who are going to spend at least a little time reading what is contained in the leaflet, going a step further than what is achieved on the cover.
3. Development
The development includes all the synthesized information that did not already appear in the introduction. In this case, this information can be divided into sections, because although in the introduction we tried not to interrupt the reading course too much in order to "hook" the readers, here it makes more sense to classify the parts of the text according to their thematic areas, here it makes more sense to classify the parts of the text according to their thematic areas, since there are more ideas to convey.The text is divided into sections, since there are more ideas to be conveyed.
4. Contact information
Normally, in the final part of the tri-fold brochure (located in the part of the brochure furthest from the cover) contact details and, often, a "call to action" are added, encouraging readers to contact encouraging readers to contact the promoted entity or to purchase its services and/or products.
In the case of triptychs of a more propagandistic than advertising nature, a small text is also usually added to the cover, a small text is also usually added as a conclusion.The content of the course, recapitulating the content seen up to that moment and offering a more simplified vision of the ideological position to be taken in the face of a certain public interest issue.
Bibliographical references:
- The triptych: what is it, what is it for and what are its advantages. Printing Brochures and Posters. At:
- Landa, R. (2018). Design in advertising. Generating creative ideas. Madrid: Grupo Anaya.
- Lupton, E. (2016). Graphic design. New fundamentals. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
- Muller-Brockmann, J. (2012). Grid systems: A handbook for graphic designers. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
- Philip, K. (2016). Dirección de Marketing. Madrid: Grupo Anaya Publicaciones Generales.
- Poulin, R. (2018). Fundamentals of graphic design. The 26 principles that every designer should know. Barcelona: Promopress.
(Updated at Apr 15 / 2024)