10 key factors to choose an effective online therapy
The factors to take into account to make online psychotherapy as effective as face-to-face therapy.
There are already many studies that support the effectiveness of online therapy. In fact, it has been shown that online therapy is at least as effective as face-to-face therapy, as long as it is carried out under a series of parameters.
Nowadays we have access to many ways of contacting a psychologist online (chat, email, phone call, videoconference...) but not all means are equally effective. In this article we will expose the most important factors that have to be taken into account for an online therapy to be effective..
Factors that contribute to the effectiveness of online therapy
In the following we will differentiate those issues that have to do with the professional, with the policy of the website or psychological cabinet and with the patient.
Important factors concerning the professional
There are two fundamental factors that have to do exclusively with the professional. The first is the level of experience they have with technology and the second is their attitude towards this medium.
1. Experience of the psychologist
For a therapy to be effective, the psychologist must have a good command of the videoconferencing program, the patient discharge process, follow-up, payments or the different platforms used to to give the patient enough confidence so that he/she feels secure in this medium.. Security is perceived and is contagious.
2. Attitude of the psychologist
Due to the COVID pandemic and patients' fear of returning to face-to-face, there are many professionals who have been forced to use the online modality. Some of these psychologists see it as something temporary that they don't like and perceive as ineffective.
Is the medium ineffective or is it the mistrust of the professionals themselves that causes this? Fortunately, it is a matter of accepting reality and getting used to it, and many of them have changed this negative attitude.
Important web factors
The task of choosing between some platforms or others can become an arduous task if you do not have the right keys to do so. That is why here we highlight different factors to take into account that have to do with the policy of the professional or the cabinet.
3. Means of contact with the psychologist
In order to qualify as therapy, sessions must be conducted via videoconference. Two fundamental keys are included in a videoconference: simultaneity of communication and nonverbal language..
Nowadays there is no consensus among scientists on the weight of nonverbal language in communication. What we do know is that this type of communication accounts for at least 55% of the weight (Mehrabian A. 1972) although there are some authors who even speak of 90%.
Whether it is 55% or 90%, the important thing is that if the patient's face is not seen, 55% of the information is lost: everything that is said with gestures or movements.
4. Duration of the sessions
This is another very important factor, since the most effective sessions are those that last between 50 and those that have a duration between 50 and 60 minutes.. Nowadays there are many platforms that, in order to reduce the price, cut minutes and therefore the level of efficiency.
5. Frequency of sessions
A weekly frequency is the one that offers the fastest and most effective results.. In psychotherapies, therefore, this schedule is usually used. Once the patient begins to experience improvement, the sessions are spaced every 15 days (or three weeks in some occasions) and finally the follow-up phase is entered.
6. Autonomy of the professional to choose the frequency of sessions in each case.
When choosing an online therapy, it is vital to make sure that the psychologist has the power to decide on this..
There are some platforms that offer monthly, quarterly or even biannual subscription programs offering large discounts with the dangers that this entails. Not only the fact that the psychologist cannot space the sessions as is natural, but also that the patient contracts plans that are superior to what he/she needs and a dependence on the process is generated.
Important factors about the patient
Finally, for therapy to be more effective there are factors that depend on the patient and that have to be taken into account.
7. Having the right technology and connection
Nowadays, practically everyone meets the requirements to be able to access this modality. On the one hand, it is necessary to have a computer, telephone or tablet and a good internet connection (enough so as not to suffer constant cuts that prevent communication). On the other hand, basic computer skillssuch as how to use email, messaging applications and Internet payment.
8. Lighting and framing
Choose a well-lit place to connect. Place the light points in front or to the side (never behind) to avoid backlighting and to allow the face to be seen. The best framing is the medium shotthat is, one that allows the patient to be seen from the head to below the chest. The lighting and the framing are important to have the nonverbal information.
9. Suitable place
One of the advantages of doing online therapy is that the patient can connect from wherever he/she wants, whether at home, at work, in a park or in the car. But it is vital that these places have something in common: they should be as quiet as possible, so as to allow the patient to concentrate on the conversation. that allow the patient to concentrate on the conversation, to feel comfortable talking and to feel comfortable without interruptions..
10. Positive attitude
The attitude of both the patient and the psychologist can determine the course of therapy. It is normal to feel a little uncomfortable at the beginning of the first session due to the novelty of engaging in this type of conversations (so deep) by this means. But it is important to keep in mind that, if there is a predisposition, the human being has an extremely rapid capacity to adapt to the new situation.. After the first sessions, patients comment that sometimes they even forget that it is a video call.
What about assistance via chat, e-mail or telephone?
Before concluding, let us explain the difference between advice, guidance or emotional support, which can be provided via these media.
Through chat or email, what is done is a process of counseling or psychological advice.. A process in which the patient exposes his problems in a more or less detailed way and the psychologist gives guidance on that particular issue. This medium is asynchronous, and therefore communication takes place at different times so that nonverbal language and tone of voice are lost. According to the Mehrabian Rule 55/38/7 these two components account for 93% of communication. A 93% that is lost in written communications.
For the same reason, telephone calls are also not an effective means of therapy, as 55% of the communication 55% of the non-verbal information would be lost. This medium would be left to psychological and emotional support of patients that involves holding the person in hard times.
Are you looking for online psychological therapy?
In this article we have outlined 10 fundamental factors for an online therapy to be as effective as possible. These keys can be taken into account when choosing the right professional and therapy.
If you are going through bad times and/or need professional psychological support, I invite you to contact me.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)