10 myths about hypnosis, dismantled and explained.
False beliefs about one of the most famous methods of accessing the unconscious.
Psychoanalysis is a complex discipline, and has received equal parts praise and criticism over the last centuries. One of the things about Psychoanalysis that generates the most concern is the HypnosisWhat could happen to the person who is under hypnosis?
10 myths about hypnosis, explained
Unfortunately, there are currently myths and misunderstandings about what myths and misunderstandings about what hypnosis is and how it works.. Television shows have helped instill a certain amount of fear and suspicion about the practice of hypnosis. The stereotypes created lead people to hold false beliefs and be wary of hypnosis-based therapy.
Today, let's dispel the 10 most commonly held myths about hypnosis.
1. Are people in a hypnotic state in a state of unconsciousness?
No, they are not. In fact, the person in a hypnotic state experiences an improvement in concentration and is able to focus in an unusual way. The patient is conscious at all times during the hypnosis process.
2. Is hypnosis a state similar to sleep?
This myth is widely spread thanks to the idea, also erroneous, that in order to enter a hypnotic state the patient must have his eyes closed. Closing the eyes can indeed help to improve concentration and is therefore something that favors the state of hypnosis, but a patient who keeps his eyes open can also become hypnotized. In these cases, it is often referred to as "active hypnosis".
3. During hypnosis, can the therapist "manipulate" the patient's wishes or actions?
Without a real willingness on the part of the patient to undergo the hypnosis process, hypnosis cannot exist. It is impossible to induce the state of attentional focus proper to hypnosis if the patient does not collaborate in the process.
In any case, the therapist has no control over the will of the subject. The patient has at all times the attentional capacity to make his or her own decisions. In case the therapist "orders" the patient to do something against his will, the patient would leave the hypnotic state.
4. During the hypnotic state, is it true that the patient can accurately remember everything that happened during his life?
No, it is not true. What happens is that, on some occasions, the patient may develop accounts of moments in his life that are not in accordance with what really happened.
5. What "power" must the hypnotist possess in order to successfully hypnotize patients?
It is not a matter of having any supernatural powers or gifts. Any properly trained and qualified professional can use the hypnosis process to treat patients.
6. Do patients remember what has happened while they have been hypnotized?
The vast majority of people are able to remember everything or almost everything that took place during the hypnosis process.
7. Is hypnosis a therapy?
Not exactly. Hypnosis is not a therapy in itself. Hypnosis is a specific technique that can be used with good results and to encourage certain changes in the subject. We could say that patients are not treated 'with' hypnosis, but rather 'under' hypnosis and always with the support of other techniques, processes and tools that the therapist handles.
8. Are people more susceptible to hypnosis less intelligent or something similar?
No. In fact, it is rather the other way around. There is a positive correlation (although not a very strong correlation, actually) between the patient's intelligence and his or her "hypnotizability". Therefore, it is the most intelligent people who can achieve the state of attentional focus more easily.
9. Is hypnosis dangerous or does it involve any kind of risk?
There has been no reported case of anyone suffering physical or psychological harm caused by a hypnosis session. Many people are hypnotized every day by hundreds of practitioners, and most not only report no harm, but just the opposite.
10. Could the hypnotized patient remain in a trance state permanently if the therapist does not awaken him/her?
As already mentioned, people who undergo the hypnosis process can come out of this state whenever they wish. It is important to remember that the state of attentional focus is not synonymous with falling asleep. Consequently, it is impossible to wake up someone who is not asleep, because he is already awake!
The truth is that, during the hypnosis process and due to the relaxation rest that is reached, the subject could fall asleep, but this would be an absolutely conventional state and could wake up by his own means without the need of the therapist's help.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)