40 quotes by Nelson Mandela on peace and life.
Famous quotes from the legendary human rights activist.
Today we bring you some of the best quotes by Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela, a historical figure famous worldwide for being the first black president elected by universal suffrage in South Africa and for being a recognized activist and precursor of social equality.
In this sense, Nelson Mandela has also gone down in history through his struggle in this sector and the injustice in his native country. This activism and his incorruptible ethics caused him to spend more than 27 years in prison in his country due to his persecution of some of the injustices that were being carried out by the military consensus of the government at that time.
Nelson Mandela, a historic figure in the struggle for Human Rights
In addition, it is worth mentioning that one of his it is worth mentioning that one of his most recognizable events was the end of the famous "apartheid". in his native country with the racist aspect that he had had for a long time.
Nelson Mandela's unforgettable quotes
Without further ado, let's start with Nelson Mandela's quotes.
Let freedom reign. The sun never sets on such a glorious human achievement.
Freedom is a utopia that we must never cease to pursue.
2. The greatest glory is not to fall, but always to rise again.
A phrase of self-improvement from the South African leader.
3. Unlike some politicians, I can admit a mistake.
Modesty and humility were two of Nelson Mandela's values.
4. Many people in this country have paid a price before me, and many will pay the price after me.
I was fully aware that racism would not be solved in a single generation.
5. There is nothing like returning to a place that seems unchanged to discover how you yourself have changed.
A famous quote that teaches us the constant change that societies undergo.
6. Let freedom rule, not politicians
A perfect society should be governed by more open rules,
7. There are many people who feel that it is useless to continue talking about peace and nonviolence against a government whose only response is savage attacks on a defenseless and unarmed people.
Non-violence was one of the main struggles of the South African leader.
We must not assume that social misfortunes are inevitable. If we fight, we can reverse them.
9. Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
Education brings us closer to a more just world.
10. I have never considered a man as my superior, neither in my life outside nor inside prison.
We are all equal, in rights and freedoms.
11. If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner
Proximity and common goals can help any relationship to flourish.
12. True leaders must be willing to sacrifice everything for the freedom of their people.
It always seems impossible until you do it.
13. There can be no more intense revelation of the soul of a society than the way its children are treated.
A reflection that can leave you thinking.
14. If I had the time in my hands I would do the same thing again. The same thing any man who dares to call himself a man would do.
Let's use the time in the best way we know how, with determination and enthusiasm.
15. Sport has the power to transform the world. It has the power to inspire, to unite people like few other things. It has more capacity than governments to break down racial barriers.
Have you seen the movie Invictus?
16. It is the duty of journalists to examine the conduct of public figures and expose it to the light.
A real journalist publishes news that is disturbing to the powers that be.
17. Live life as if no one were watching and express yourself as if everyone were listening.
A maxim that can teach us to face life with great fortitude.
18. Enemies are usually strangers. If you know them, your opinion can change quickly
Another phrase that reminds us that hatred is mostly due to ignorance.
19. A man who takes away the freedom of another is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness.
Hatred only breeds more hatred.
20. Children are not only the future of society but the future of ideas.
If we educate our children in values, the future is promising.
21. It is wise to persuade people to do things and make them think it was their own idea.
Another phrase loaded with wisdom.
22. Everyone can overcome their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated and passionate about what they do.
If you put effort and dedication into it, few things are impossible.
23. I don't want to be presented in a way that omits the black spots in my life.
Another sign of honesty and transparency.
24. Money will not create success, freedom will.
Economic goals do not transcend the material.
25. True leaders must be willing to sacrifice everything for the freedom of their people.
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26. I am not a saint, unless by "saint" you mean a sinner who keeps on trying.
A moral reflection that Mandela made about himself.
27. When we let our light shine, we subconsciously give permission to others to do the same.
A positive and constructive attitude is contagious.
28. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is inspiring others to see beyond it.
One of Nelson Mandela's phrases that deepen the idea of courage, so necessary during the turbulent times in which he lived.
29. Know your enemy and learn about his favorite sport.
A curious aphorism on psychological combat tactics.
30. I am the captain of my soul
Once again, Nelson Mandela emphasizes the idea of freedom..
31. When the water begins to boil it is absurd to stop heating it up
This phrase refers to ideological and political revolutions.
32. There is no such thing as "partial freedom".
Freedom is a question of all or nothing, for this political and equality referent.
33. I am not an optimist, but someone who believes a lot in hope.
A phrase about Nelson Mandela's psychological background regarding social progress.
34. Let your courage grow with danger.
Another of the interesting aphorisms that link the concept of courage as a product of effort.
35. A winner is a dreamer who never gives up
Willpower is a component that Mandela always claimed.
36. Difficulties break some men but also create others.
Interesting phrase about the destructive and creative power of difficulties.
37. The purpose of freedom is to create it for others.
This phrase evokes Voltaire's famous reflection on freedom.
38. I dream of an Africa that is at peace with itself.
Mandela, speaking about his political motivations.
39. In my country, first you go to jail and then you become president.
A phrase with a clear touch of irony, related to what Nelson Mandela had to live through.
40. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.
A simple wish honestly expressed as the objective of the policy promoted by Nelson Mandela.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)