5 Keys to Overcoming Feelings of Inferiority
Feelings of inferiority, while common, can be overcome.
We all have a friend or family member who does not have great self-confidence. These people often compare themselves to others and come to the conclusion that they don't measure up, have a hard time relating and achieving their goals due to their lack of self-esteem.
The feeling of inferiority appears in people who do not believe in themselves, who believe that other individuals surpass them in everything.
Inferiority complex: "I can't".
Most people who suffer from these thoughts and feelings or have experienced them in the past find a major obstacle in overcoming the inner voice that tells them "I can't", "I'm like this, I can't do more"... and they often and often get stuck because of the effects of these bad experiences..
The American psychologist Gordon Allport defined the feeling of inferiority as "a lasting and damaging tension that stems from an emotional attitude toward lived situations".
Feeling inferior to others is an acquired belief.
An important source of these feelings is gestated in childhood, when the child is less successful than his siblings or peers, never receives positive reinforcement, etc., he will deposit negative thoughts such as "I am not good enough", "everyone is better than me", "I am inferior".
These emotions are permeating the child and cause him to become emotionally distant from himself, to tend to withdraw, not to show initiative, to think that he is less intelligent or pleasant than his peers and, in short, that his expectations in life are decisively reduced.
According to Allport, the feeling of inferiority exacerbates the sufferer's sense of physical weakness, appearance and image, social and educational status, experiences of little value, feelings of guilt or the feeling that it is bad to belong to the ethnic or religious group to which they belong.
5 keys to overcoming feelings of inferiority
The following strategies are key to coping with and overcoming these limiting feelings:
1. Accept yourself
We must accept the life we lead and the circumstances in which we live. Identifying the things that cause discomfort and feelings of inferiority and feelings of inferiority will help us to become aware of the situation and begin to improve where necessary.
2. Know your virtues
Highlight your own virtues, your qualities and capabilities, and make a list of all of them. elaborate a list with all of them. Place the list in a visible place for your day to day and try to devote more attention and resources to improve some of your qualities, which are surely very valuable.
3. Relativize the negative
Relativize the negative comments that other people make about you. Rationalize: ask yourself to what extent these judgments are accurate and in any case think that nobody is perfect and that you have the tools to improve all aspects without haste.
4. Face life
Face the obstacles and difficulties that arise along the way, make important decisions, ask for help when you need it.Make important decisions, ask for help when necessary and learn from all these experiences. Passivity in the face of life will not bring you positive things. Learn to face life, your attitude will be rewarded.
5. The key is your self-esteem
Work on your confidence, it is essential that you value yourself as a person and that you fight for everything you want. Little by little, slowly but surely, you will see that self-confidence will open doors that you never knew before..
There are some cases in which the person feels despised constantly and it will be more complicated to be able to arm him/her with courage so that he/she can overcome the situation without external help. The advice of a psychologist can be a good accompaniment to be able to face the situation.
If you want some advice to improve your self-esteemI recommend that you read:
"10 keys to increase your self-esteem in 30 days".
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)