9 habits and customs of chronically unhappy people.
What things do individuals who are never satisfied with their lives do wrong?
When things go smoothly in our life it is easy to feel happy. But what is really complicated is to be good with oneself and not to fall into sadness when things get complicated.. Obviously, when it comes to being happy, our environment counts. However, the person who ultimately decides whether to be good or bad is you.
It is impossible to be happy all the time, but but it is possible to avoid a series of harmful habits that lead to unhappiness.. Accepting that not being happy at that moment is not being unhappy, fighting for one's dreams or spending more time with family or friends are behaviors that can help us to be in a more or less lasting state of happiness.
Recommended article: "The 10 keys to be happy, according to science".
Typical unhealthy habits of unhappy people
But, what habits or customs are typical of chronically unhappy people? What are the characteristics of individuals who spend most of their time in a state of unhappiness? In the following lines we explain them to you.
1. They are too critical of themselves
Loving oneself is not always easy, since we live in a highly competitive society. But recognizing your self-worth and the strengths you have can help you to be happy and increase your self-confidence.
Having high self-confidence makes others respect you, and most importantly, it shows that you respect yourself.. Chronically unhappy people tend to disrespect and criticize themselves all the time. Therefore, it is important to accept the negative things that can happen to us in life and recognize that we all make mistakes. So do we.
Recommended article: "10 tips to better deal with criticism".
2. They are constantly complaining
And of course, accepting mistakes is not always easy, but it is possible.. After all, getting out of this negative spiral is an attitude that we adopt. If we know how to recognize when we are carrying out certain harmful habits, it is possible to change them. Unhappy people constantly complain and, instead of reacting to remedy it, they recreate themselves over and over again in these regrets.
3. They deny reality
Chronically unhappy people tend to deny reality.. They prefer not to face problems for fear of having to deal with them. For example, it is easier to look for excuses if we get fired from our job than to assume that maybe we did something wrong.
Denying problems does not make them go away. On the contrary, there may be a rebound effect that makes them even bigger. This is a defense mechanism that can make people chronically unhappy.
4. They blame others
One of the most common reactions when it comes to not facing reality is to blame others.. For example, if you get fired from your job, it is easier to blame your boss for not understanding you than to assume that maybe you are not performing your job as you should.
Chronically unhappy people employ such strategies to reduce the suffering or anxiety of looking life in the face. Undoubtedly, an act of cowardice.
5. They remain in their comfort zone
The comfort zone is a state of mind that does not allow for personal growth.. It is a place that in the short term may seem pleasant, but in the long term can make you tremendously unhappy. The anxiety that some people feel due to the fear of uncertainty can cause them to get stuck in this mental state, which is not positive at all.
If you want to know more about the comfort zone, visit our post: "How to get out of your comfort zone? 7 keys to achieve it".
6. They seek the approval of others
Chronically unhappy people look for happiness where they shouldn't be.. This type of individual spends a lot of time thinking about what others think of them, so they are more concerned about the approval of others than finding and pursuing what they really like.
This mistake can be fatal to one's self-esteem and is a harmful habit that unhappy people employ. To learn more, read the article: "Tips to stop thinking about what others think of you".
7. They do not live in the present
Chronically unhappy people live immersed in their expectations and do not enjoy the here and now, i.e., the present.that is, the present. They can also live from the past, so they live away from the present reality, and do not connect with themselves. With the ruminative mind of this type of individual, it is difficult to be happy.
Mindfulness has been shown to be associated with higher levels of emotional well-being and happiness. If you want to know more: "Mindfulness: 8 benefits of mindfulness".
8. You focus on what you don't own
If you don't value what you have and focus on what you don't own, you will certainly not be happy.. Chronically unhappy people think that way and focus on material things to be happy. True happiness is found in the little things in life. Happiness is in oneself, not in others or objects.
9. They are jealous, spiteful and envious people.
Jealousy, envy and resentment are the deadly sins of chronically unhappy people.. If you are always comparing yourself with others and, in addition, you feel any of these three harmful habits, it is time to change your attitude. If you want to know what spiteful people are like, click here.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)