Air Conditioning and Occupational Health
The labor legislation in force in air conditioning indicates that extreme temperatures and humidity should be avoided in workplaces, as well as sudden changes in temperature and annoying drafts.
What is the ideal temperature?
The use of air conditioning in summer, maintaining a temperature between 24 and 26ºC, at home or at the workplace; Current regulations recommend a temperature not lower than 26ºC in places for administrative, commercial, cultural, leisure and transport stations, in order to save energy and reduce unnecessary energy consumption.
In general, a temperature below 24ºC is considered uncomfortable. Likewise, it is recommended in workplaces to maintain a constant temperature, promote the ingestion of liquids and reduce the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. On many occasions the use of fans is sufficient and their energy efficiency is adequate.
Health risks of air conditioning
Filters and other parts of appliances air conditioning they can accumulate germs or other substances that could cause discomfort or illness; the components must be checked periodically and timely maintenance is necessary to prevent illness and discomfort. In general, it is considered appropriate to carry out a temperature study and maintenance of the appliances once a year or once every two years.
The incorrect use of air conditioners or devices with inadequate maintenance can lead to colds, throat and nose inflammations, respiratory infections, muscle contractures, etc. in summer. The frequent and sudden changes in temperature when repeatedly entering and leaving offices or refrigerated premises to / from the street can also cause the same discomfort and illness very frequently.
Better prevent
To prevent discomfort and illness, it is considered especially important that the air flow from the air conditioners is not focused directly on the body, especially during sleeping hours.
For those who have an air conditioner in the bedroom, it is recommended to unplug the air conditioner at night. On hotter nights, it is recommended to keep the appliance turned on. air conditioning located in another room, and the communication doors open so that the temperature remains comfortable without the direct air flow directly affecting the person during sleeping hours.
Sustainable reasons
Refrigeration appliances should be installed in places with little solar irradiation and with good air circulation. In the same way, the inappropriate use of these devices can suppose a huge energy and economic expense; the general recommendation is to maintain a constant temperature of 26ºC, and keep them off when no one is in the room or in the building.
It is calculated that going from a thermostat regulated at 21ºC to a temperature of 26ºC reduces consumption by almost half in the case of appliances for individual or domestic premises.
In places and buildings where possible, natural ventilation is always preferable to the use of air conditioning except on hot days. It is also recommended, to reduce the need for air conditioning and energy consumption, to wear suitable, fresh and light clothing, and to use awnings, curtains and blinds on the windows of the buildings.
Likewise, it is advisable to properly close the doors and windows in the periods when the air conditioning units are working to increase their performance and reduce the energy requirement to maintain the temperature. In the same way, it is advisable to place the thermostats in the appropriate place and program the on and off times and use high energy efficiency air conditioners (class A).
DID YOU KNOW…?It is estimated that air conditioners are behind half of the sick leave and absences in summer and produce around 40% of the primary care consultations in the hot months.
- The temperature: the ideal is between 24 and 26ºC
- Maintenance: it is important to clean the appliances, especially the filters, as they can accumulate germs or other substances.
- Risks of incorrect use: colds, headaches, contractures, sore throat ...
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)