Artificial lactation
| Artificial breastfeeding, although less beneficial than breastfeeding, is still adequate. Discover the advantages.
Artificial lactation or also called formula milk is an alternative when breastfeeding is not possible or the mother freely decides this option.
Artificial milk is a modified cow's milk that tries to resemble breast milk as closely as possible. That is, they try to add all the nutrients present in breast milk, which are not in cow's milk, so that the child can obtain effects similar to those of the breastfed infant.
Currently, the immune function (defenses) that are present in breast milk cannot yet be added to formula milk.
There are three types on the market:
- Starter formula: (milks containing the brand name followed by "1") are recommended up to 6 months of age.
- Continuation formula: (milks containing the brand name followed by "2") are recommended up to 18 months.
- Formula "growth": ("3") recommended up to 3 years.
All milk adapted for infants must follow mandatory regulations in order to be marketed. There are no "poor quality milks", all are acceptable to feed the baby but each commercial household may include some different component that represents a benefit for the baby. In choosing the type of milk, be advised by your pediatrician.
Advantages of artificial lactation
- The child takes a little longer to digest it so he has a greater feeling of satiety. This means that the periods between feedings are longer than with breast milk.
- We have an exact control of the amount of milk that the baby takes.
- It gives the mother more freedom of movement since she can leave the house without being aware of the schedule and another person can give her the bottle.
- The father (or the rest of the family) may have a greater role in feeding the baby.
- Weaning is easier, since you have to substitute a bottle for the porridge that the Pediatrician has recommended.
- It is an excellent alternative in cases where breastfeeding is contraindicated:
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)