Consequences of using mobile phones for babies
Technological advances are present in our day to day and that of our children. Children are exposed to them and end up becoming users of technology at an earlier and younger age. Avoiding them 100% is almost impossible, but it is possible to expose ourselves with a responsible attitude. Increasingly, alerts about the possible dangers of screens in child development are more frequent. It is true that children are in full growth and development, so they cannot be equated with the adult. For this reason, they tend to be more vulnerable to the effects of the environment. In this case we are going to analyze the possible effects of telephones mobiles for babies based on the latest studies.
What kind of radiation do mobile phones give off to babies?
In nature there are two fundamental types of: ionizing (high energy and that increase the risk of cancer: X-rays, radon or cosmic rays) and non-ionizing (low energy and without current evidence of increased risk of cancer) . Radio frequency energy is energy emitted by mobile devices and is a type of non-ionizing radiation. This type of radiation can be absorbed by the human body.
Radiofrequency and cancer: is it true?
The only scientifically proven biological effect of radio frequency energy is heating, such as that used in microwave ovens. There is no clear evidence that there is a relationship between the use of mobile phones and brain tumors. Most of the studies are carried out in adults, so they cannot be extrapolated to children. Studies have begun in the pediatric population, since their brain is developing and exposure to radiofrequency may be higher. Preliminary results seem to find no relationship between exposure to mobile phones and pediatric cancer.
Mobile Devices for Babies and Children: Facts and Figures
The telephones mobiles for babies and tablets should not be the youngest children's toy. At this stage of development, other types of games are preferable, but it seems that the latest data tells us otherwise. It is something that parents are very concerned about, but we can't seem to do anything about it. Mobile and tablet gaming is affecting hours of manipulative and social play. Lack of limits and control play against parents.
- 50% of children between one and two years old use their mobile to watch children's videos.
- More than 50% of children between one and 12 years old spend more than four hours a week in front of the television.
- 32% of children under 11 years of age consume between one and two hours a day playing with the tablet. Those over 11 years old play an average of four hours a day.
- In eight-year-olds, only three out of 10 children play more than four hours a week with toys. Those of 11, only two out of ten and those of 12, only nine out of 100.
Why do babies play with mobiles?
The most logical reason is because they have them on hand at any time of the day. Their parents and relatives, owners and users of the same, do not stop using them. On the other hand, they have become the babysitter: the babies get absorbed, reduce their activity and do not bother. It is a fantastic source of entertainment that is always available.
Consequences of using mobile phones for babies
Fundamentally, we can observe these repercussions:
- Lack of concentration on a certain task: the temptation to use the mobile to make the child eat or allow himself to be dressed is not advisable. With these types of attitudes we only get the child not to be aware of what he is doing and we lose very valuable opportunities to pay attention to a certain task.
- Social isolation: we are social beings and, from our earliest childhood, what enriches us the most are relationships with other human beings. In babies, this relationship is established through play. Device abuse mobiles for babies it makes the child play or entertain himself when he should spend most of the time sharing with others.
- Lack of self-control and lack of learning in deferring the desire: in the baby and the young child, self-control is worked through the relationship with their parents and siblings and the limits that they establish. The indiscriminate use of the mobile to entertain the baby, preventing him from doing what "he should do" (manipulating objects and interacting with other family members), hinders this development of activities such as self-control or the ability to cope with frustration.
- If we calm the baby before any setback or with his favorite series on the mobile that we always carry at hand, we are preventing the child from learning to manage his desires and emotions in a healthy way. Instead of making the baby aware of what is happening to him and helping his brain to focus attention, we entertain him and do not train this very important part of his development.
- Sedentary habits: children and babies have to move and discover the environment in which they live. Playing outside, going to the park, running or jumping are much more enriching on a physical and emotional level than playing screen games or watching videos most of the day. Promoting healthy habits from childhood and encouraging daily physical activity is one of the best health inheritances for the future child and adult.
- Less exposure to sensory stimuli: babies of one and two years need to move, manipulate things, put everything in their mouth to experiment, because their learning is sensory. If the mobile becomes practically the only source of entertainment, they stop doing their part and just fix their eyes and move their finger on the screen.
- Other physical problems: it seems that some specialists warn that they are detecting more eye problems, visual fatigue and back pain in younger and younger children, something that may be linked to the abuse of screens.
And what do we do with mobiles for babies?
It is true that studies are not conclusive about the impact of screens and child development, but what pediatric associations do agree on is that in children under two years of age there is no benefit. There are arguments from neuropsychology that explain that abusive and uncontrolled interaction with electronic devices instead of a more traditional game could condition the functioning and development of the brain and have long-term cognitive and emotional repercussions.
Like everything, in the middle point is virtue. We live in a technological world and isolating children 100% from the reality that adults live is very complex. Criterion, self-control and common sense are once again the essential pillars in parenting.
- Mobile phones and tablets should not be the youngest children's toy. Mobile and tablet gaming is affecting hours of manipulative and social play.
- Studies are not conclusive on the impact of screens and child development, but what pediatric associations do agree on is that in children under two years of age there is no benefit.
- We live in a technological world and isolating children 100% from this reality is complex. Criterion, self-control and common sense are once again the essential pillars in parenting.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)