Cortisol: the hormone that generates stress in us
This hormone of the glucocorticoid group is closely related to stress problems.
There has been a lot of talk lately about stress, a phenomenon known as "the epidemic of the 21st century".a phenomenon known as "the epidemic of the 21st century". The pace of life we lead, the socioeconomic situation and the working conditions to which we are subjected contribute significantly to the appearance of this condition.
Cortisol is one of the hormones associated with stress, together with adrenaline together with adrenaline, and its main function is to prepare the organism for moments of greater activation in which it is necessary to be alert. Stress is an adaptive response that prepares our body to carry out a fight or flight response to a dangerous or threatening stimulus. However, when this phenomenon occurs on a daily basis and becomes chronic, pathological stress appears, causing serious problems for physical and mental health.
What is cortisol
Cortisol, also known as hydrocortisone, is a glucocorticoid.. It is produced above the kidneys, in an area known as the adrenal cortex, in response to stress (physical or emotional), and its synthesis and release is controlled by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and its circadian rhythm.
In the morning, the amount of cortisol rises to a peak at around 8:00 a.m., when it is released. to reach its peak around 8:00 am (taking into account a normalized sleep schedule), because of the need to generate energy sources after a long night. In the afternoon it also rises to keep us active, but then gradually decreases.
Stress hormones: cortisol and adrenaline
Cortisol and adrenaline are two hormones related to stress stress but have different functions. Understanding the function of each of these chemicals can help us understand what happens in our body when we are faced with a stressful stimulus. Reacting to stress is an instinctive behavior that has allowed the survival and development of human beings, since our body is programmed to act in emergency or dangerous situations.
However, what has worked so well throughout history, creates serious problems today because of the way we humans live. Furthermore, this phenomenon does not only occur in the face of physical stimuli, but our thoughts can also cause stress (for example, when a person suffers a situation of post-traumatic stress and constantly relives a stressful situation from the past), which can lead us to a situation of excessive physical and mental exhaustion. excessive.
How adrenaline works
In the face of a stressful stimulus, adrenaline provides us with a quick gives us a quick boost, so that our energyOur energy increases so that we can escape from danger. Breathing, pulse and heart rate are accelerated so that the muscles respond more quickly. Pupils dilate, Blood circulates at a faster rate and blood is moved away from the digestive tract to avoid vomiting. In general, the whole body prepares itself to react quickly to certain stimuli, so that it does not act according to rhythms that are too slow.
These physiological functions of adrenaline are complemented by other psychological functions such as keeping us alert and being more sensitive to any stimulus. Adrenalin, besides being a hormone, is also a neurotransmitter that acts in the brain. In this way, an intense dialogue is established between the nervous system and the rest of the organism, which is very useful when processes affecting many areas of the body have to be triggered in a short time.
What is its function in alarm situations?
In stressful situations, the cortisol level also increases. Its main functions are to increase the amount of sugar in the bloodIt also suppresses the immune system to save energy and help the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This may be very appropriate for a specific moment, but not when the stressful situation is part of our daily life.
The release of blood sugar has the function of maintaining an appropriate energy level to respond effectively to the stressful situation and allows us to be alert. It is actually adrenaline in the brain that sends the signal for glucose to be released into the bloodstream (known as blood sugar), but cortisol contributes to its synthesis. It also contributes to the utilization of fats and proteins as energy substrates.
As we have seen, another response of cortisol to a stressful situation is that it inhibits the immune systembecause all the energy is needed to control stress. In addition, this hormone also causes an increase in histamine, which explains why people tend to get sicker or suffer from herpes or allergies when they suffer from this phenomenon.
Relationship with stress
The excess cortisol that results from staying in stressful situations for a prolonged period of time causes certain imbalances due to the energy drain we are experiencing. Some of the symptoms we may suffer are the following:
- Feeling of fatigue, tiredness and exhaustion.
- Memory, concentration and learning problems.
- Predominance of irritability, anger and aggressiveness.
- Physical pain (e.g. headache or stomach pain).
- Weakening of the immune system and, therefore, illnesses, allergies, etc.
When stress manifests itself for a long time, then it is possible to experience complex anxiety, feelings of failure, insomnia or depression.
Other consequences of an excess of this hormone
Although cortisol has a bad reputation because it is associated with something as negative as chronic stress or burnout, it performs a large number of vital functions in the human organism. Among other things, it allows our rhythms to adapt to the rhythm demanded by certain situations, such as moments in which our physical integrity may be in danger or when we are approaching a test that we must pass. Although the sensation is not always pleasant, that does not mean it is not necessary or practical.
However, in the long run it causes a number of undesirable effects. For example, cortisol production, either by deficit or excess, can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones and their conversion to T4. and their conversion from T4 to T3.
Cortisol disrupts the reproductive system, causing infertility or even miscarriage when cortisol levels are high when cortisol levels are too high or chronically elevated. In addition, chronically increased cortisol can cause intense hunger and food cravings due to the metabolic disturbance that occurs, and also influences mental blocks and memory problems related to the feeling of "going blank".
Cortisol is a stress-related hormone that is not in itself negative. in itself is not negative. However, when stress becomes chronic and pathological, it can create a series of problems or negative consequences for the person. Among these consequences, the following stand out:
- Decreased defenses
- Stomach problems, diarrhea or constipation.
- Appetite problems
- Mood swings
- Difficulties in concentrating and memory problems
- Fatigue and tiredness
- Headaches
- Hypertension
- Infertility and interruption of menstruation
If you are going through a stressful situation and want to know what to do, in this article: "10 essential tips to reduce stress" you can find some keys to combat it.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)