Cutis marmorata
Causes of skin marmorata
The cause of cutis marmorata is the immaturity of the newborn. The newborn has great vasomotor instability that can produce this characteristic skin coloration, similar to marbled veining. It usually appears when the child is in a cold environment. Newborn babies do not regulate temperature well and together with the instability of the blood vessels in the attempt to regulate it, this phenomenon appears. This manifestation can also be observed in the older child coinciding with the sudden increase in temperature in a feverish peak.
Evolution and treatment
Does not need no type of treatment and disappears when we shelter the child. It definitely usually disappears with time and the maturing of the baby.
Differential diagnosis
We must differentiate it from two other situations in the skin of the newborn related to other phenomena: the and the cyanosis.
Harlequin coloring
It is a vasomotor phenomenon of no clinical importance, which consists of half body is much more rosy than the other. The line of separation is, at times, very well defined. It occurs in the first 3-5 days and is very rare. It resolves spontaneously.
Peripheral cyanosis
During the first hours of life, white infants have a pinkish skin except on the hands and feet, which may have a bluish discoloration called cyanosis. The color of the hands or feet improves with a gentle friction to achieve a rapid vasomotor reaction. If peripheral cyanosis persists more than 24 hours, is interpreted as alarm sign and we must to rule out infection, metabolic diseases or lung diseases.
Central cyanosis
The bluish color is present in lips and tongue and does not improve with increasing temperature. If the origin is by respiratory pathology, the color will improve with the oxygen administration, but if it is cardiac, we will not notice changes with oxygen. It is a serious situation that requires a comprehensive study of the newborn.
- It is a normal alteration of the newborn's skin, caused by its immaturity and that usually appears when it is in a cold environment.
- It does not need any type of treatment and disappears as soon as we shelter the child.
- There are two other situations in which the newborn's skin has a particular color but must be differentiated from it.
Pediatric Specialist
(Updated at Apr 15 / 2024)