Diet that helps you tan
| The good weather is here and especially after so many rainy days, most of us are eager to take advantage of the first rays of sun. Did you know that diet can help you tan better?
It should be remembered that although solar baths Taken in moderation and adequate protection can be beneficial, let's not forget that it helps us to strengthen our skeleton by promoting the synthesis of vitamin D, so necessary for our bones, they also have a euphoric and antidepressant effect as well as a positive action against certain disorders skin such as acne, eczema or and how not to highlight how aesthetically flattering a beautiful tan is speaking.
On the other side of the coin we would find the harmful effects that abuse or lack of minimal care can produce both on our health and on our beauty, such as skin photoaging due to cumulative and irreversible damage from the sun or even the
To prepare ourselves and achieve a flattering and long-lasting tan, nothing better than to start taking care of ourselves from the inside since a proper diet rich in certain nutrients will largely depend on whether our body, and especially our skin, is ready to receive the first rays of the sun. .
We can also combine perfectly if we need it with a hypocaloric diet that helps us lose weight while promoting tanning, since we will find our best allies in the fruits, vegetables and greens.
Without forgetting a third advantage that this type of food provides us since most of them are rich in antioxidant vitamins and minerals that will allow us to fight against free radicals that damage cell molecules and membranes, shortening their life and accelerating the aging process. .
There is especially a substance that should not be missing from our table if we intend to strengthen the internal self-protection of the skin, it is of course beta-carotene, a precursor pigment of vitamin A that accelerates tanning by promoting the synthesis of melanin, which in turn will act as a natural filter against ultraviolet rays and will provide us with the desired tan.
For its part, vitamin A will strengthen our skin, nails and eyesight, without forgetting its antioxidant role since it partially neutralizes the action of those that cause ultraviolet rays.
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To be able to easily choose foods rich in carotene we can be guided by their color, since they are usually the brightly colored fruits and vegetables, red, orange, yellow and green which contain the most beta-carotene. Highlight parsley or dried apricots, as one of the greatest natural sources of this pigment, without forgetting carrots, peaches, mangoes, papaya, tomatoes, squash, spinach, broccoli or chard and spirulina algae.
Continuing with the group of vitamins that will help us prepare against solar radiation reducing the harmful effects, we find another fat-soluble, or alpha-tocopherol, which will also protect the heart and circulatory system and we find it in wheat germ, oils vegetables (olive, corn, sunflower), nuts, legumes and brown rice, avocado and egg yolk (although the latter if we are on a diet or have high cholesterol is not convenient).
Within the group of water-soluble vitamins, our ally this summer will be ascorbic acid together with its antioxidant action, fighting the radicals generated by the sun, it will help us increase our resistance to infections by strengthening the immune system and enhancing the absorption of iron.
At the skin level it participates in the synthesis of collagen and we find it especially in citrus fruits such as grapefruit, orange, lemon or tangerine, in kiwi, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and soy, among others.
From the group of vitamin B, riboflavin or vitamin B2 will strengthen our skin and hair and will provide us with milk, yogurt, cheese, brewer's yeast, green vegetables, legumes, fish, eggs and chicken.
Regarding vitamin B3 or niacin, it also maintains and cares for the health of our skin and foods rich in it are cereals, liver, and lean meats, tuna and mackerel and nuts.
We have to take into account that fat-soluble vitamins such as A, E or D are stored in our body and we have deposits of them in fat, liver, and different tissues, but they are sensitive to high temperatures.
Water-soluble vitamins (C and B) are even more fragile since, in addition to heat, they are also sensitive to water and must be consumed daily since our body retains them for a short time. Hence, only the type of food we consume is important, but also the way it is cooked, since we can lose a large part of the vitamins when boiling or frying them.
So that our food conserves its maximum properties, it will be useful to follow some simple rules when preparing our dishes; as it is logical to consume the raw vegetables and fruits in the salad it will allow us to maintain its flavor and qualities even better, when cooking it will be preferable to steam it, or with little water and for the necessary time and we should not soak the vegetables for a long time since they would lose part of the water-soluble vitamins.
As for the most indicated minerals in relation to the health of our skin, we have selenium in synergy with vitamin E and thanks to its antioxidant properties it favors the prevention of premature aging and preserves the elasticity of the skin and will provide it to us. Brewer's yeast, bran and wheat germ, avocado, garlic, onions, shellfish, and lean meat.
Zinc favors the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which in the case of sunburn would favor skin regeneration. This micromineral will be provided by the liver, shellfish, legumes and pumpkin seeds.
Another trace element that also intervenes in the synthesis of collagen and participates in the pigmentation of the skin is sulfur, present in garlic and onions, asparagus, legumes and fish.
Silicon maintains the elasticity of the skin and the main foods that are provided by bananas, green beans, onions and nuts.
Finally, the manganese that will enhance the use of biotin, vitamin E and B1 and C, is in products such as whole grains, nuts, peas and tea.
And unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic present in olive oil or omega 3 in oily fish, soybeans or walnuts and milk enriched with said substance, will also contribute to maintaining the health of our skin by avoiding dehydration.
Evening primrose and borage oil and green tea polyphenols will also be useful for their antioxidant action to fight free radicals generated by ultraviolet radiation and causing, among other effects, photo-aged skin.
Thus, a prudent exposure to the sun with proper protection, preparing our skin with a previous exfoliation to eliminate dead cells and achieve a uniform color, avoid the use of potentially photosensitive products (cosmetics, perfumes, some drugs, etc.), hydration correct, essential at this time of year that increases body perspiration and in which we must drink at least two liters of water a day, whether mineral water with or without gas, or in the form of infusions, natural juices or vegetable broths and start With a diet rich in nutrients that enhance tanning, at least a month before and throughout the summer, will allow us to minimize the risks of ultraviolet radiation and achieve an excellent tan.
If, in addition to preparing our skin for a tan, we want to lose some weight before the holidays and as long as there is no personal medical contraindication, we should follow a hypocaloric diet rich in nutrients that enhance the tan.
Remember that he has a team of nutrition specialists who will help you choose the best diet to take care of your health.
- Beta carotene is essential to strengthen the internal self-protection of the skin. It is found in fruits and vegetables of intense color (red, orange, yellow, green).
- Unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic in olive oil or omega-3 in oily fish, prevent dehydration of the skin.
- Selenium (, bran and wheat germ, avocado, garlic, onion ...) and zinc (shellfish, legumes, pumpkin seeds) are two beneficial minerals for the skin.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)