Do women feel less sexual desire?
In other words: are women less sexual than men? The scientific answer, here.
Traditionally, it has been considered that women's libido level is lower than that of men.. History shows how, over the centuries, women's desire for intimate relations has been undervalued, reducing their sexual life practically to procreation and male satisfaction. However, in recent historical stages the figure of women has undergone an unprecedented revolution, questioning all beliefs that the role of women is (or should be) different from that of men.
This evolution in the consideration of the female figure (among other demands) has also meant a revolution in the sexual sphere, with female desire acquiring value at a social level and becoming much more accepted. However, it is still generally believed that men in general continue to have a higher libido. This begs the question: what has caused such a belief? Do women really feel less desire?
Analyzing the sexual desire myth
Studies and research have provided answers to the question posed above.. The conclusions reached show that women respond to the presence of an erotic stimulus with the same speed as men. It has also been shown that the excitatory response of women at the physiological level is more nonspecific than that of men, presenting physical activation with a greater number of different stimuli.
It is true, however, that the stimuli that produce desire at the conscious level tend to be different between the sexes. While men's desire is generally activated by the sense of sight, women's attraction is mediated by a greater number of variables, such as voice and smell. This is partly explained by neuroanatomical differences: the medial preoptic nucleus is one of the brain nuclei that regulates male sexual behavior, whereas in women it is located in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.
Likewise, it has been demonstrated that at a cognitive level, women also present a high level of excitability and desire, being elements such as erotic games and fantasies more elaborated and used by the female sex. Thus, these and other researches show that the view that puts female desire below male desire is largely erroneous. But... what has caused this kind of thinking?
The reasons for the undervaluing of female desire
According to various experts, the reasons why women are socially considered to have less desire than men are due to a number of causes, essentially linked to the education received by both sexes throughout history. Specifically, mention is made of the existence of a restrictive education with the expression of libido in women, which has been frowned upon and valued at a social level if it was manifested. For this reason, women have tended to hide their desire, learning over time to ignore their needs in this area and limiting their role to that of being desired.
Another of the main reasons derived from the previous one is the consideration of the image of women, the object of a clear dichotomy for many centuries: either she was a pure, good housewife and exemplary mother or she was practically considered a sex professional, the latter being considered immoral and indecent. The traditional culture and view of libido has been male-centered, so that the existence of much of the view of sex, including today's, was originally designed to appeal to men. For this reason, women have found it difficult to feel included in this area.
The lack of an efficient sexual education, together with the hidden situation of the genitals inside the body, has also produced great difficulties in the knowledge of the female figure's own body, not seeing her genitals as erogenous zones and having serious difficulties to enjoy her own sexuality, being, for example, female masturbation a practice little practiced or encouraged until recent times. This also contributes to a vision of the erotic act that is very focused on coitus and genitalia, ignoring other erogenous zones that can provoke great cognitive activation in women.
Likewise, the risk of infection and pregnancy has led to a rejection of sexual activity; a rejection that is nowadaysa rejection that is now called sex aversion disorder.
Changing gender roles
Today, however, the situation has changed to a great extent.The situation has now changed to a great extent, with sexuality being liberalized in all its senses and sexual diversity being promoted. Nowadays, women can satisfy their desires much more freely, without being frowned upon in principle (although there is still a certain taboo and reluctance to abandon rejection in some areas) and actively seeking to satisfy their desires.
Gender roles have also relaxed: women are more impulsive, sexual, competitive and aggressive, abandoning their passive role in society. Consequently, men are no longer the only ones who play an active role and seek the satisfaction of their impulses, also reducing the social pressure and expectations on them.
But... have the roles attributed to each gender in couple relationships changed?
The image that predominates in the minds of a large part of the population regarding the bond between the components of a couple is that while the man has a clear preference for the satisfaction of his desire in the couple's relationship, the woman, on the other hand, tends to have a clear preference for the satisfaction of his desires, women, on the other hand, tend to focus more on romantic and affectionate details..
This picture does not turn out to be correct, or at least not in today's world. Data from a study by the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction suggest that, in fact, the establishment of sexual relations is observed by men in a much more emotional way than by women, with hugging being a better predictor of happiness in a relationship for men, while in the case of women the level of sexual satisfaction is a better indicator.
This may be due to the role traditionally attributed to each gender. While the male has to be strong, protective and aggressive, generally not expressing his emotions, in the case of women the social role traditionally attributed to their sex as a fragile and vulnerable being has allowed the expression of fears, doubts and feelings. Thus, the male has learned to express his sentimental aspect through acts and not words, resulting in sexual relations as a form of expression of intimacy, of his vulnerable and emotional side. Thus, studies indicate that men use their libido as an element of rapprochement with their partner, which is sometimes difficult to express in any other way.
In the case of women, the fact that sexual satisfaction is a better indicator may stem from the female gender's own sexual liberalization, repressed for so long, as well as the fact repressed for so long, as well as an attempt to get closer to the partner through what many people consider to be what is fundamental for the male sex. All this, however, refers to the experience of sexuality in consolidated couples, but not in the case of sporadic relationships, where men continue to show a greater predominance of the search for relationships with a large number of partners.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)