European Health Card (TSE)
The European sanitary card (TSE) is a card individual that allows you to receive medical care in a country of the European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland, provided that the stay in that country is temporary.
What does the European health card cover?
The TSE covers the urgent medical assistance for illnesses or accidents, as well as for the exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as asthma, heart disease, etc. Will not be valid if the reason for the trip is to receive a specific treatment or surgical intervention in another country.
If you are pregnant, the TSE covers the necessary treatments, including childbirth, if you are temporarily in the country. However, if you want to give birth in another country, you must request authorization to do so.
The TSE does not cover repatriation in any case (transfer to your country of origin) to continue the treatment or after it. For this coverage or coverage in private centers you must have a separate or a.
The healthcare in public centers of each country of the European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland will be gratuitous (in charge of the Spanish Social Security) or in the case of having to pay the expenses in advance, these will be reimbursed by the health authority of the same country or, where appropriate, by the S.S. Spanish upon his return. To do this, you must be able to prove that at the time of attendance you were in possession of the European health card in force.
Where to apply for the European health card?
Any citizen of the European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland can request it at the offices of their health system. In Spain you must appear in person at Social Security Information and Attention Centers (CAISS) and make the request personally and for each member of the family. The TSE is individual and each member of the family must have their own. You can also request it online. Specialist in Anesthesia and Resuscitation
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)