Fava beans for health
Although they are often consumed as vegetables, in reality beans are legumes. They are nutritionally known for their protein, fiber and complex carbohydrate content. Within this family, beans do not stand out especially for having more or less nutrients than other legumes. They contain water, carbohydrates, which, as we have mentioned, are complex and therefore will be absorbed slowly, proteins, potassium, provitamin A, etc.
Nutritional composition: fiber, potassium and folic acid
As we can see, beans are a food with a high content of Water, despite what it may seem a priori, and they are rich in carbohydrates complex and fiber, with which when consuming them they will not cause a substantial increase in blood glucose, but it will slowly increase, and this is positive in people with alterations in glycemic control, such as diabetes.
If something stands out in the beans, it is the fiber and folic acid content. The amount of fiber will be even higher if what we consume is the whole pod. Yes, I said the pod, although it is not usual, the bean pod is edible and very rich when it is very tender. As with peas, of which we consume snow peas, the same happens with broad beans, we can consume pods and beans all together when it comes to young and tender specimens, in this way we will be increasing our consumption of fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the fact of consuming them so tender makes them more easily digestible.
Diet is part of what is considered a healthy diet and it is appropriate to contribute between 20-35 g fiber per day. The fibers contribute to regulate intestinal transit, but they also reach the large intestine and are fermented by the colon microflora, giving rise to fermentation products that are involved in beneficial functions for the human body.
Folic acid
Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the maturation of structural and blood proteins such as hemoglobin, for this reason they also influence the red blood cell formation. Its lack is not common, but it is important to ensure a sufficient supply in women prior to pregnancy to avoid possible malformations in the growth of the fetus.
Potassium is an electrolyte that is involved in muscle contraction and nerve transmission. It counteracts some effects of sodium in regulating blood pressure and is essential for the regulation of cardiac contraction.
Who is advised to eat fava beans?
- People with constipation: the fiber of fava beans contributes to the regulation of intestinal transit and therefore its consumption in people with constipation can be very appropriate.
- Pregnancy: pregnant women, during the first trimester of pregnancy and prior to conception, it is recommended that they consume larger amounts of folic acid to meet increased requirements. Although the advice in this case is to resort to supplementation, the consumption of vegetables rich in folic acid such as beans helps to increase the intake of this mineral.
- weight loss diets: beans are very consistent foods and rich in fiber that provide enough satiety. This can be very interesting for people accustomed to consuming large amounts of food and who have been in the process of food re-education to consume smaller amounts and fewer calories.
- diabetes: Their content in complex carbohydrates and the abundant amount of fiber they contain contributes to a slow increase in blood glucose levels, and this is positive for people with diabetes.
Now, if you are within any of these groups, the general recommendation is that do not eat this type of food:
- Fabism: it is not recommended that people who suffer from this enzyme deficiency (above glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) consume beans to avoid the appearance of symptoms related to this alteration. Is a hereditary health problem linked to the X chromosome that may not give symptoms, or cause small alterations such as anemia, dizziness, etc. It does not mean that we are going to get sick from consuming beans, but that people with this deficiency can present symptoms after consumption of broad beans. Therefore it is recommended first.
- Potassium restriction: if we must carry one low potassium diet, something that happens in certain kidney problems, we must take into account the amount of potassium in beans to control the amount and not exceed its intake.
- gastrointestinal disorders: In certain gastrointestinal disorders that occur with diarrhea and gas production at the intestinal level, we must limit fiber intake to control the appearance of these symptoms. In these cases, legumes such as beans are not the best option, we must wait for the symptoms to subside to start incorporating them and in this case it is better to start with very tender or even crushed specimens.
- Season: its collection takes place in spring. With the first specimens we can take advantage of the whole pods, but later only the broad beans as the pod dries up.
- Benefits: they are very rich in fiber, and contain folic acid, complex carbohydrates, proteins, provitamin A, among others.
- Ideal for: people who want to follow a healthy and varied diet and do not have a great predisposition to suffer from gas.
Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Bachelor of Food Science and Technology
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)