Homeopathy in acute gastroenteritis
Acute gastroenteritis are conditions that almost everyone has suffered at some time. They affect the entire population, perhaps with a higher incidence in young children and travelers; to the former because their defense systems are still immature, and to the latter because that defense system, which must already be mature, is not familiar with the microorganisms typical of the new place they are visiting.
The most common cause of these gastroenteritis is usually infection by microorganisms, especially viruses, although they can also be due to toxins produced by some germs, parasites or other types of chemical or natural toxins, such as those that may be present in some plants.
They tend to occur with diarrhea that can be accompanied by pain, fever and general impairment, all in highly variable degrees. Dehydration is the most closely controlled condition and the cause of most complications.
There are many homeopathic medicines, alone or in combination, that can be used to treat acute gastroenteritis. As always in, one or the other will be chosen according to how the picture is manifested in the patient. Some possible treatments are:
Arsenicum album
It is the homeopathic medicine most used in acute gastroenteritis caused by one. It causes burning, irritating and foul-smelling diarrhea. The fever may or may not be present but the patient usually shows a great affectation of the general state, with a deep fatigue that can alternate with moments of agitation. They are usually worse at night and are patients who are worse with the cold and seek warmth.
Podophyllum peltatum
It is the most widely used homeopathic medicine as it adapts perfectly to the most frequent forms in which these conditions are manifested. The patient shows a watery, profuse, and explosive diarrhea. It is usually accompanied by fatigue, abdominal pain, abundant gas, and fever may or may not be present. Commonly used in viral gastroenteritis, traveler's diarrhea and diarrhea that sometimes accompany the emergence of teeth in children.
Aloe socotrina
It is a medicine that helps especially in gastroenteritis with urgent diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking.
It is useful in those diarrhea with intense cramps that "bend" the patient from pain.
Cuprum metallicum
This is another diarrhea medicine with severe spasms and cramps. The diarrhea is profuse, sometimes bloody, and is accompanied by abdominal pain "like stabs." Leg cramps may even appear.
Veratrum album
This medicine will be used when the patient has very profuse and frequent diarrhea with severe weakness and exhaustion. The patient feels cold, cramps and a profound effect on the general condition. It is a picture that occurs frequently in traveler's diarrhea.
Mercurius solubilis
It is a medicine to take into account when blood appears in the stools. The patient usually presents and a lot of pain after bowel movements, with a feeling of not having finished.
These and other homeopathic medicines may be used individually or in combination, as appropriate in each case. Thus, in an abundant, irritating diarrhea, with cramps that make the patient bend and press on the abdomen, accompanied by prostration and exhaustion in a patient who seeks to warm himself, we can use Arsenicum album 5CH (centesimal hahnemanniana, a homeopathic unit of measure ), Podophyllum 5CH and Colocynthis 5CH, at the rate of three granules of each, together in the mouth, each time the patient has a stool.
- Acute gastroenteritis are conditions that occur with diarrhea and vomiting as more common manifestations and that can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms of varying intensity such as fever, fatigue, agitation or cramps.
- The dehydration it is usually the most common complication.
- It affects the entire population but is especially important in young children and the elderly.
- The cause more frequent is infectious, especially the viral one, without forgetting food poisoning.
- The homeopathic medicines They represent a safe, fast and effective treatment in all these acute conditions, not only alleviating the symptoms but also notably shortening their duration.
- With the homeopathic treatment the risk of complications is minimized and convalescence shortened.
- The homeopathic medicines They can be combined with each other or with any other medicine or therapy, whenever the doctor deems it necessary.
- The homeopathic granules, which are the most common way of prescribing and administering these medications, make it a very comfortable therapy that is easy to use and transport in any travel kit.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)