How do I know if I have anxiety?
The key ideas to know how to detect anxiety problems on a daily basis.
Anxiety is becoming more and more common in society. Surely you know someone around you who suffers from it and many times you have wondered if maybe you are also suffering from it.
In this article I will explain to you what anxiety iswhat are its symptoms and how to treat it.
What is anxiety?
The anxiety is a psychological and physiological state of the body that is activated in a natural way when we face a danger (real or imagined).. The one in charge of activating this system is called the RAAS (ascending reticular activating system). It is formed by a group of neurons located in the brainstem, and its main function is the maintenance of alertness.
I am going to give you an example of how the ascending activating reticular system acts. Imagine that you are at home with some friends having a quiet drink in the dining room, while in the kitchen, by chance, a fire breaks out due to a fault in the electrical circuit.While in the kitchen, by chance, a fire breaks out due to a fault in the electrical circuit.
As a result, the smoke detector is triggered, which sets off the fire alarm. Thanks to this detector, your body is put into a state of alertwhich makes you prepare yourself to face this dangerous situation. There are several options: call the fire department, try to put out the fire... all these options make you save your life.
Therefore, as you can see, anxiety allows you to avoid dangers and get to safety.
So... where does the problem of anxiety arise from?
Anxiety becomes negative when it blocks us and paralyzes us.The function is the opposite of the main objective.
We continue with the example of the fire. You have two options on how to deal with the fire you have experienced:
- First, give thanks because your body has warned you how to save your life.
- Second, think that this fire could have killed you. If there has been one, it is very possible or practically certain that it will happen again and you will not be so lucky.
We must know that luck is something subjective. As I have explained, the body is prepared and designed to warn you, so it is not necessary that you anticipate something that surely will not happen, since your own fears that are leading you to live that circumstance, so it is not it is not real. We call this autosuggestion.
Therefore, we can say that mismanaged anxiety is the imaginary state of anticipating catastrophes that are only happening inside your mind, generated by your own fear.
Symptoms that help you detect that you suffer from anxiety.
Although it is certain that there are predominant and common symptoms in the anxiety, it is important to know that many types exist, and these vary in their appearance and intensity according to the psychological and genetic predisposition of the person who is suffering from them. of the person who is suffering from them.
Therefore, it is not good to compare yourself with other people who suffer from anxiety, since their manifestations may be different.
I am going to list some of the most common warning indicators that can appear alone or in combination.
1. Muscle tension
Nervous states often cause the muscles to tense up more than usual.. Likewise, the muscular tension itself causes your nervous state to vary. It is therefore not surprising that in times of stress you suffer from muscular pains.
2. Irrational fears
Imagined fears that prevent us from developing fully in our daily lives.
3. Insomnia
The sleep disorders are very frequent in the anxiety and they develop because of the stress that prevents us from falling asleep in a healthy way.
4. Fatigue
Tiredness is something usual whenever a physical or mental effort has been made. The problem is when it becomes chronic without having made an overexertion.. In the case of anxiety it occurs by remaining unconsciously in a state of continuous alertness.
5. Difficulty to concentrate
Some studies indicate that anxiety affects short-term memorywhich is the one that helps us to concentrate in the daily tasks.
6. Change of emotional states
The fact of being exposed to anxiety on a continuous basis our mood and emotions are not adapted to the situations we are really living. that we are really living.
Types of anxiety symptoms
Symptoms are classified into different groups depending on what human activities they affect. Here are some examples of each of the existing groups.
- Difficulty in decision making.
- Uncertainty.
- Overwhelm.
- Insecurity.
- Desire to flee or attack.
- Restlessness.
- Dizziness.
- Vomiting.
- Pressure in the chest.
- Changes in eating (eating too much or too little).
- Fatigue.
- muscle tension
- tremors
- Tachycardia.
- stomach pain
- Shortness of breath.
- Inordinate worries.
- Concentration problems.
- Negativity.
- Intrusive thoughts.
- Memory problems.
- Repetitive carelessness.
- Abnormal vigilance.
- Blocks to act or impulsivity.
- Difficulty to be at rest.
- Closed body postures.
- Bruxism.
- Difficulties in conversing with others.
- Absent state in interactions.
- Difficulty in speaking one's mind.
- Difficulty asserting oneself.
- Irritability.
- Self-absorption.
If you experience anxious states that limit you, from coaching and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), I can help you identify the negative patterns that limit you and turn them into positive ones so that you can reach your desired goals.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)