How to create deeper relationships? 8 fundamental tips
Strategies and recommendations to deepen love or friendship relationships.
We all want to enjoy deep relationships, where sincerity, respect, affection, small and big details and many other qualities are present. Whether with a family member, a partner or, especially, with a friend, we want to feel that there is a person who understands us, who knows us in depth.
Whatever type of relationship we have with another person, it is essential to know that what was once very deep and intimate can become less so with the passage of time. Sometimes relationships grow cold, and there comes a time when it is a little bit hard to try to regain contact.
Knowing how to create deeper relationships from the beginning is a good way to avoid losing them, and that is what we are going to find out in this article. Read on to find out.
The power of creating deep relationships
The reality of interpersonal relationships shows that human beings need other people as they are gregarious animals. Both types of relationships are about the great need of people to be close to other people and to share our life and experiences with them. Everyone desires to have meaningful, long-lasting and satisfying friendships and relationships. Relationships that reach such a degree of sincerity and intimacy that they become very deep are desired..
Partners may be highly valued, but friends are often more so. It sounds harsh to say, but partners come and go, while friends, if well cared for, can be forever but, of course, some effort needs to be put in. No matter how much trust we have with someone, if we don't show it or pamper the relationship, it's only a matter of time before it cools down. It is not necessary to have a fight or a misunderstanding to lose a friendship, it is simply enough to let laziness and carelessness take over.
No one wants to lose friends and, although there is a popular belief that it is only a matter of time before one is lost, the truth is that this does not mean that it is inevitable. If we build deep relationships with our friends, the chances of the relationship being severed are reduced.. And that is precisely what we are going to discover in the following paragraphs.
Tips to create deeper relationships
Everyone has the skills to create deeper relationships, the only thing you need is to know what they are and put them into practice. Creating friendships, also applicable to the couple, is something relatively simple, although it is true that some people may find it more difficult than others. Here we will see a few recommendations that will help us to create deeper relationships, mostly applicable to the field of friendships but also extrapolated to the case of couples and, why not, the family.
1. Always show respect
Physical and verbal respect is a fundamental condition for establishing a healthy relationship. This is a premise that should not be violated because, otherwise, it will generate a breeding ground for the proliferation of toxicity.
Deep, strong and respectful relationships of friendship and partnership show respect. The opposite, for example shouting, insults, offense or even physical aggression is the worst thing you can do not only with a friend or partner, but with anyone.
In deep and mature relationships, if there is any misunderstanding or conflict, it is solved by talking.. And if that is not possible, it may not be worth much to continue with that relationship.
2. Be sincere
There is no more reliable sign of how deep a relationship is than sincerity. This is a natural condition in any relationship, friendship, couple or family, that is considered strong. If we want to acquire some depth in our relationship with another person, it is essential that we be honest in talking about our interests, perspectives, likes, dislikes, desires and goals.
Also We also need to be honest about what makes us uncomfortable, what we don't like about the other person or what he or she has done, but always being respectful and respectful of the other person.but always being respectful and not offending. If that person is worthwhile and deserves to be in our lives, he or she will not get upset or reproach us for what we have told him or her.
But to be honest with the other person is also to assume that the other person has the right to be honest. Our friend, family member or partner should be able to show his or her inner world without fear of being criticized by us.. In the same way that we can confess what we are uncomfortable with about him or her, that person can do the same, and we must respect that. Sincerity is saying what you really feel, whether it is positive or not so positive.
3. Be generous and loving
In every strong and deep friendship and partnership, it is common for both parties to give themselves to each other.. Both people show their affection for each other through all kinds of details, gestures of affection and displays of generosity.
Love is never too much, and that is why we must be generous in this aspect, giving everything we can. The more generous we are, the deeper the relationship will be, lasting over time.
In deep friendships, both have a sincere desire to give the best of each other. want to give the best of each one to the other person..
4. Active listening
Active listening is fundamental if you want to enjoy a deep relationship. Listening actively implies paying conscientious attention to what the other person has to tell us, without interrupting them so that he/she can tell us everything that is happening to him/her in a genuine way..
Before giving a point of view, it is necessary to know what is happening to him, what he feels, what he wants and what he needs from us to help him. The more we listen to our friend or partner, the more he or she will listen to us when we are the ones who need to talk.
5. Knowing how to prioritize our relationship
A good way to make a relationship go deeper and deeper is to dedicate time to it and make it a priority in our life. But But we have to find a balance, because it is not a good idea to give all our time and attention to a friend, partner or family member.. There are so many other people in our life, and not only that, we also have other vital areas such as studies, work, our hobbies ....
In strong and deep friendships, both parties have each other as one of the priorities in each other's lives, but also respecting the fact that each person has other priorities that cannot be put aside for just one person.
6. Avoid toxic feelings
There is nothing that makes it more difficult to build a relationship of trust and respect than toxic feelings such as envy, jealousy and negative attitudes.. It is true that we are all human and cannot avoid feeling these emotions from time to time, but if we experience them every now and then with our friends, partners and family, without doing anything to avoid it, these relationships will be severely damaged.
If we want to enjoy a deep relationship, our friends will want to see us happy and we will want to see them happy, doing whatever it takes to share and increase positive feelings. No one has friends to be bitter or in conflict with him or her, so jealousy and other bad feelings have no place in our relationships if we want them to become deep.
7. Respect each other's space
Deep friendships should not be understood as relationships in which the two friends are constantly glued to each other.. For a relationship to be deep, trusting and sincere, it is necessary to be there for each other, but also to respect each other's desire for intimacy.
Strong friendships maintain a safe distance when it is not necessary to be on top of each other. As intimate as the relationship between two people is, they are also two individuals who require their own space.
8. Taking care of the details to have true friendship relationships.
Finally, it is worth commenting that to strengthen the relationship and make it more intimate and deep, we must not forget the small details. As we have said, not only the passage of time but also laziness can cause a relationship to become increasingly superficial and end up getting lost.
There are many times that two people who were once very good friends now look like complete strangers for the simple fact that they lost contact, were making their lives separately and no longer know anything about each other. That's why you have to take care of the details, especially when you can't meet in person or when you are too busy to see each other.
There are different ways to show interest in a friendship. A weekly phone call, a Christmas greeting, sending a gift on their birthday... small acts like these keep the relationship alive, so it doesn't fade away. Otherwise, if the relationship is ignored and one does not maintain contact with the other, no matter how much you believe there is trust and a deep relationship, it will be a matter of time before the discomfort of months, or even years, without contact with each other ends up making the relationship disappear. You have to be very careful.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)