Learning disabilities: definition and warning signs
How to detect a student with this type of difficulty?
The learning disabilities (LD) include in their definition a heterogeneous set of alterations in reading, writing, calculation and general cognitive reasoning abilities. These disorders are usually due to a dysfunction of the nervous system and may continue throughout the life process.
Learning difficulties can manifest themselves simultaneously both through problems in self-regulation and social interaction behaviorsThe learning difficulties may be manifested simultaneously through problems in self-regulation and social interaction behaviors, as well as through sensory deficits, mental retardation, severe emotional disorders or concomitants of external influences (such as cultural differences, insufficient or inappropriate instruction, although it is true that AD cannot be causally derived from any of these).
Therefore, it is understood that there is a discrepancy between actual and expected performance according to the child's maturational age.For this reason, specialized attention is required to compensate for these difficulties presented by the student.
The Specific Learning Disorder and the DSM V
Currently, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM V defines the diagnostic category of Specific Learning Disorder distinguishing between the skills of reading, calculation and written expression.
Among the diagnostic criteria, it is emphasized that the subject must have an IQ within the average level for his age group, with the level determined in any of the three abilities indicated above being significantly below the average for the population.
Causes of learning difficulties
There are many different causes that can lead to the manifestation of learning difficulties in the individual, although the main one is derived from internal (neurobiological) factors such as organic deficits, aspects linked to chromosomal inheritance, problems related to biochemical or nutritional alterations or perceptual and/or motor cognitive deficits.
In a second category, environmental causes can be differentiated, linked to the particularities of the family and sociocultural context that offer few opportunities for stimulation. which offer few opportunities for cognitive stimulation and limit the development of these abilities in the child.
On the other hand, the characteristics of the educational system to which the student is attached may condition a given level of internalization of basic learning; namely, the methodology of work and evaluation of the students, the quality of teaching, the physical conditions and resources of the school, among others, may make substantial differences.
Finally, the origin of learning difficulties may be due to an inadequate adjustment between the individual characteristics of the student and the demands received from the educational context (according to the interactionist position). This adjustment or type of response offered by the student to a task depends on the interaction of two variables: the level of knowledge possessed by the child and the availability of strategies to solve the task. Thus, students with AD usually possess the knowledge, but are not able to apply the appropriate strategies for successful task performance. strategies for successful task performance. This last proposal is the one that currently has the most theoretical support.
Influence of AD on child development
In line with the above, a very relevant aspect is to understand maturation, or Biological growth of the child, as a dynamic disposition or condition that depends on the neurological, neuropsychological and psychological characteristics of the person, as well as on the family and/or school environment where development takes place.
Development in people with learning disabilities is characterized by a slower rate of development.. That is to say, we speak only of a quantitative alteration, and not a qualitative one, as occurs in developmental disorders. Early age differences between children with AD and children without AD can range from 2 to 4 years of age. Subsequently, these discrepancies diminish and it can be said that individuals with AD can reach an acceptable level of competence.
There are several environmental factors, and therefore, modifiable, that contribute to the alleviation or aggravation of AD, such as: the richness and appropriateness of speech in the family context, high exposure to reading, the promotion of play and activities that favor the development of sustained attention, as well as those that facilitate individual decision making and personal initiative.
Learning difficulties and behavioral disturbances
Given the close relationship between the comorbidity of AD and certain behavioral disturbances, it is often difficult to determine which of these two manifestations motivates the other. Usually both co-occur simultaneously, as in the case of Attention Deficit Disorder (with Hyperactivity), where the complications that the child presents at the level of information processing and regulation of the executive functions produce (or derive from) difficulties in the acquisition of linguistic and arithmetic skills.
Numerous studies show that children and adolescents with learning difficulties present other emotional and/or behavioral problems associated to a considerable extent. In this way, AD is aggravated, leading to an even more significant deterioration in academic performance.. The most frequent problems are observed in the male population in 70% and in the female population in 50%, and refer to externalizing behaviors such as attentional deficits, hyperactivity and cognitive self-regulation, being less common antisocial, oppositional or aggressive behavior.
Some research defends the idea that the presence of isolated behavioral alterations does not necessarily cause limitations in the acquisition of early learning in children, although in other cases, where behavioral deviations begin at an early age, the interrelation between both phenomena seems to be more evident.
Social functioning of children with learning difficulties
Difficulties in the area of social skills also show a strong correlation with the manifestation of AD in children and adolescents, with the following results having been obtained Kavale y Forness a percentage located around 75% of the cases in their research. At these ages, three are the most significant areas of social relations:
Social relationships with peers.
As the child develops, in his or her objective of establishing him or herself as an independent individual with a defined "I" identity and increasingly detached from parental protection and care, this area is the most influential and significant for the individual, this area is the most influential and significant for the individual.. At this stage, comparisons of one's own physical and psychological characteristics with respect to those of others, the level of popularity acquired or the perception of social support are determining factors.
When we talk about children or adolescents with learning difficulties, these influences become even more noticeable, since they start with a disadvantage as far as adaptive self-concept is concerned. For this reason, in cases of AD, it is more common for children to feel either isolated or rejected.. In the first case, the motivation of the child should be enhanced so that he/she is more predisposed to the acquisition of interpersonal skills, which will help him/her to be more competent and allow him/her to better manage the contextual situations in which he/she interacts. In the second case, a previous work on behavioral self-control and emotional management should be carried out in order to modify the negative interaction dynamics to which he/she is accustomed to perform.
Social relationships with teachers
In this area, a fundamental part of the type of social relations that the student establishes with the teaching staff is determined by the beliefs that the teacher presents with respect to the student in question.
Thus, the expectations of academic failure or success with respect to the student, the more or less favorable treatment received conditioned by the DA and the level of positive reinforcement administered after the achievement of objectives by the child will have a significant impact on a more or less positive teaching conception of the student's personal competence.
Among the most relevant aspects that influence difficulties in social interaction in students with AD, the following can be distinguished: a low competence to internalize the cognitive strategies they must apply when faced with certain contextual demands, a poor ability in the natural organization of strategies that allow them to achieve social goals, a vision that is not very empathetic and very focused on their own perspective that prevents them from a satisfactory understanding of interpersonal relationships and what these imply, an insufficient ability to detect discrepancies in the tone of voice that impairs the complete understanding of the messages received from the interlocutor and, finally, difficulties in the correct interpretation of non-verbal language in a generic way (gestures, facial expressions, etc).
Social relations with parents
The fact of having a child with AD is for parents an added complication to the acceptance and understanding of the evolutionary changes experienced by the child during its development.
It is very difficult for parents to find a balance between excessive control and overprotection when trying to promote the child's autonomy, leaving everything that learning difficulties entail in the background. This problem causes a less tolerant, more critical and less empathetic or affective attitude that greatly hinders an adequate emotional development of the child.
Psycho-pedagogical intervention in the face of learning difficulties
In order to achieve the two fundamental objectives set for students with AD, which are aimed at improving the student's emotional state and, in turn, his or her academic performance**, a set of psycho-pedagogical actions structured in three consecutive stages** are proposed:
First stage
In the first stage a thorough analysis must be made of the services that the student will need in the school context in order to compensate for and work on the difficulties he/she may have to compensate and work on the learning difficulties he/she presents both at the level of establishing what type of special educational needs he/she needs, what specific intervention program will be established according to his/her academic level and what specific strategies will be implemented by the teaching team to promote an adequate self-concept and self-esteem.
Second stage
Subsequently, it is essential to contact and establish direct collaboration with the family, which must be fully committed to achieve a coordinated work of all parties involved.The family must be fully committed to achieve a coordinated work of all parties involved. To this end, a psychoeducation phase should be carried out initially by the team of professionals to help the family to understand the nature of AD and what type of actions they should incorporate into their habits to favor an increasingly positive evolution of the progress achieved by the child (positive reinforcement and empathic attitude, establishment of clear routines, etc.).
On the other hand, it will also be useful to anticipate possible problems in order to determine the strategies to be implemented for their adequate resolution.
Third stage
Ultimately, we will work on enhancing the child's metacognitive capacity, working on aspects such as awareness and acceptance of AD, recognition of strengths and weaknesses, and an internal attributional style (locus of control) that allows the child to exercise active control over the achievement of success with respect to previously established objectives.
More specifically, the current lines of psycho-pedagogical intervention in AD are based on three aspects: the teaching of specific learning strategies (simplification of content), the use of the constructivist perspective (methodology based on the Vygotskian theory of the zone of proximal development, scaffolding and learning potential) and computer-assisted instruction.
By way of conclusion
As we have seen, there are many different areas affected in the psychological development of children in the presence of a diagnosis of AD. Early detection and intervention by the main socializing agents (family and school) is essential to promote a positive evolution of the specific case. As in most childhood psychological problems and/or deviations, cooperation between both parties has a very significant relevance in the course of this disorder.
On the other hand, as far as the intervention is concerned, it is worth bearing in mind that not all measures should be focused exclusively on the improvement of instrumental learning, since the presence of instrumental learning derives from the presence of these problems and deviations.The presence of these usually leads to the development of emotional discomfort (decreased self-concept, feelings of inferiority, etc.), which should also be addressed as a priority.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)