Neurological development from 12 to 18 months
12 months
Motor skills
The baby crawls perfectly and can even overcome small obstacles. He likes to crawl carrying objects in his hands, like a toy.
The child starts the march with help. There are children a little more precocious who can walk alone after a year and others, more fearful, who take their first steps at fifteen months.
The first steps are carried out in an insecure way, afraid of falling. Support the entire sole of the foot and walk with your elbows and knees bent without arm movements and with your legs apart (to increase the base of support that helps you maintain balance).
His hand-eye coordination is higher than in previous months and he is able to put objects in a box. Enjoy throwing the toys and see how they roll and the noise they make. You can start to have autonomy by eating: you can take the spoon and a glass to your mouth even if you spill half on the way.
It perfectly masters the thumb-index finger, allowing it to grasp small objects. You can also clap your hands.
Due to his great desire to discover, he loves to open and close drawers, spreading everything he finds on the floor.
He likes contact and relationships with adults a lot, he imitates simple gestures. Non-verbal communication is better and he usually expresses his wishes through gestures (makes himself understood); in the same way, he manifests more clearly what he likes or dislikes. He usually points his finger at what he wants.
The autonomy of the child is increasing and can begin to collaborate while being dressed. Enjoy the music and dance to the rhythm.
He loves toys and he will know how to use them correctly. This is an important sign that you are understanding cause and effect relationships better and better.
Understand the meanings of some words and the prohibitions (although you may not always pay attention). It turns when called by its name.
Play hide-and-seek by covering your face with a handkerchief or with your hands.
It begins in the use of a propositional language and points out what you want with your finger.
The child understands more than he can say, understands the meaning of simple words, and is able to react to a prohibition (by staying still or turning away from what he is doing), even if he does not always pay attention.
Recognizes your name (turns when called by name). He says "mama" and "papa" with intention and can say one to three words or sounds and meaning.
Warning signs at 12 months:
- The child does not move by crawling
- Drag one side of the body when crawling
- Fails to stand up with support
- Does not search for objects that have been hidden in its presence
- Does not seek communication with the adult (through gestures or simple words)
- Does not point to objects
- Does not make gestures with the head or hands
- Has no interest in exploring new toys
15 months
Motor skills
The child should walk alone, this is called "free walking", he can stand up just by leaning on the ground. Sit down by dropping backwards or forwards stretching your arms to smooth the landing.
Climb stairs crawling.
Fine motor skills are becoming more and more precise and can now insert small objects into others (example: insert a marble into a bottle). He is much more skilled with the spoon.
He plays ball, puts a glass of water in his mouth, points with his index finger to ask for what he wants. At this age he loves to empty a box and scatter everything on the floor.
He gets angry and frustrated more easily when things don't go his way.
Execute simple commands (give me this, come) and imitate simple gestures.
Say a word like "mama" or "papa" with meaning. It has a vocabulary of 6 to 10 words.
Warning signs at 15 months:
- Does not imitate simple gestures
- Does not know the use of simple objects: telephone, comb
- Doesn't understand the prohibitions
- Doesn't understand the meaning of any word
- Does not walk with help
18 months
Motor skills
The child walks safely and can begin to run and walk backwards. His body is more upright, his limbs are extended, and he begins the stroke. These postural changes when walking increase your stability. He climbs the stairs on all fours or by holding onto the railing and is able to sit alone in a chair.
It is normal for them to stumble from time to time.
It is capable of turning pages from a normal book, not cardboard. Drink from a glass without problems.
He no longer puts everything in his mouth and carries his toys from one place to another.
Start scribbling on a piece of paper.
More and more he likes to imitate adults. He usually imitates them by doing everyday tasks: washing, driving, talking on the phone
He is now able to eat with more autonomy: he takes a spoon to his mouth and pricks with the fork.
He scribbles on paper in an unspecific way, without any artistic purpose, just for the pleasure of seeing the result.
He is able to make a tower of two cubes, point to a picture of a picture if he is named and starts in the reciprocal game (for example, he is able to return the ball that you have passed him)
He acquires his own jargon, he talks a lot but is not understood. He uses a vocabulary of between 10 and 15 words, chatters, sings and can express more than one need at the same time, he can understand non-verbal language, such as the meaning of saying "no" with his head.
Warning signs at 18 months
- It does not point with the index
- It doesn't say "mama" specific
- Don't walk alone
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)