Nutritional intake
A balanced diet is important to ensure proper growth of the baby. From childhood, good eating habits can be educated to prevent problems when the child is an adult: obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol, among others.
The diet in the child (when he already eats all kinds of food), must be varied, balanced and proportionate. You can eat everything but in moderation.
It is important to follow the pediatrician's guidelines when introducing food. Hurry is not good, as it is important to see how the baby tolerates new foods. Introducing foods other than milk ahead of time is harmful to the infant; Their digestive system and immune system are very immature and, the introduction of food when it does not touch, can cause digestive, nutritional and food allergy problems to the child.
The ideal food in the first six months of the baby's life is exclusive breastfeeding.
Both in breastfeeding and in artificial breastfeeding (the first 4-6 months of the baby's life), one should not have too much concern about how balanced the diet should be because milk offers the infant all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements you need.
Always follow the pediatrician's prescription regarding the type of milk and the amount per feed that the baby should take.
Complementary feeding
It should start to be introduced from 4-6 months and should represent 50% of the total daily calories; the other 50% of calories are provided by milk (breast milk or formula). New foods should be introduced in increasing quantities and one at a time to assess for possible allergies.
The amount of milk must be at least half a liter a day. Cow's milk should not be given until 12 months. It is even recommended that an adapted milk formula (type 3 or growth) be used up to 2 or 3 years.
To educate the palate of babies and promote healthy habits (for the prevention of diseases such as obesity, hypertension or tooth decay), neither sugar nor salt should be added during the first year of life.
Food should be of good quality and preferably prepared on the spot. Fruits and vegetables must be well washed.
Meat and fish must be in good condition and always well cooked, not raw. It is advisable to buy the fish frozen or put it in the freezer for 48 hours to eliminate anisakis (parasites that live in fish)
It is very important, when solid foods have been introduced, to give water at meals and between meals. Do not offer sweet drinks to children (soft drinks, packaged juices). The best drinks are water, natural juices and milk. Currently, it appears that there may be a relationship between childhood obesity and the abuse of sweet drinks.
Baby food and homemade food
Although all commercial baby houses make ready-made food (baby food), homemade food is the best option. Occasionally industrially prepared foods can be given: on trips, situations of little time for the elaboration of the menu It is a good alternative since they are subjected to a very exhaustive control and with a strict quality control in the raw materials.
Vegetarian diets
Children who follow a strict vegetarian diet, without meat, milk or eggs, cause a deficit of B vitamins (B12 and B2 mainly). In these cases supplements should be given.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)