Oral cancer prevention
In prevention we distinguish several levels of action according to the stage where the action is established. In general, there are 3 levels of prevention; primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention.
Primary prevention:
It consists of eliminating the risk factors that can cause disease and establishing healthy habits.
In oral cancer, the main risk factors are tobacco and alcohol abuse.
Eliminate smoking and / or minimize alcohol consumption.
Elimination of irritating factors poorly fitting prostheses, faulty fillings.
Consumption of vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of oral cancer by 10%.
Practice good oral hygiene.
Treatment of dental injuries or problems.
Secondary prevention:
It involves detecting precancerous lesions and establishing the diagnosis of the disease at the earliest stage.
Opportunistic screening carried out by the dentist or general practitioner when a patient consults for another reason remains the main tool capable of early identification of cases of oral cancer.
The annual visit to the dentist is a fundamental element of secondary prevention.
The diagnosis of oral cancer will be established through the examination of the oral and dental mucosa, floor of the mouth, neck palpation and a complete medical history. If a suspicious lesion is detected, additional tests may be necessary to determine the exact diagnosis and establish the most appropriate treatment according to the stage of the cancer.
Tertiary prevention:
It aims to prevent the appearance of recurrences or new primary cancers, as well as to reduce therapeutic morbidity.
The dentist must be involved in the prevention and management of the consequences of its treatment: caries prevention, extractions prior to radiotherapy, diagnosis and treatment of oral infections ...
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)