Physical activity and obesity
Without going any further, Spain is currently the second country European after the United Kingdom in prevalence of obesity: 17% of Spaniards suffer from obesity while 53.7% are overweight. These figures are really worrying since it means that more than half of the population has weight problems, which not only affect an aesthetic and appearance issue but are a serious health problem and more so taking into account that the figures in the child population are just as worrying. Being Spain a country in which it is part of our culture, it is difficult to understand that it is at the head of this unhealthy ranking. What surely does not help is the fact that only 46.2% of Spaniards It is well known that physical activity is a source of health benefits, and weight control is one of the factors that affects being an active person.
Control obesity with physical activity
Raising awareness among the population is a necessary action, but it must also be offered information and tools. Start by scrolling walking to work, school or to do daily tasks, get off the bus or the subway a little earlier or go up / down the stairs are ways to start incorporate healthy habits that will help prevent obesity. It is clear that only with this will not reduce the necessary kilos, but something begins, and it is about achieving that regularity that helps increase caloric expenditure, an essential and necessary element for If there is an important factor in routines and advice for losing weight is knowing the characteristics of the individual. Adherence to the program is essential, as it will be useless to tell someone to go to the pool or gym if they do not have access to it. Adherence is one of the essential factors, and for this you have to talk to each person in particular and offer them options.
What physical activity is best for obese people?
In the case of, a routine should include exercise from both aerobic type how work of strength. Initially, the recommendation would be routines of 30-60 minutes a day of aerobic exercise (walking, cycling, elliptical or swimming). We must be careful with those activities in which there is an impact, such as running, since the joints are going to receive an excess load that can damage them excessively. Is more suitable walk at a higher pace than run, since a caloric intake which, according to some studies, is similar to running but with less risk. If you are not able to maintain sessions of 30-60 these can be divided into fractions of 10 minutes initially to increase progressively.
In addition to these types of exercises, it is recommended to add strength work to the routine. as in the gym, it is about tone up the large muscle groups. Two or three sessions a week in which 8-10 repetitions are worked, always knowing what are the appropriate positions and techniques to avoid injury. In this way, not only muscle tone and strength are improved, but basal metabolism can also be increased.
All this must always be accompanied by a proper diet and tailored to individual needs.
The insured have a wide medical staff of specialists in nutrition and physical exercise.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)