Physical manifestations and assessment of abuse
The indicators can be found at different levels, depending on the type of abuse that exists. However, it is not strange to find combinations of them. Manifestations of physical abuse can be:
- Wounds and Contusions
- Multiple and recurring
- In strange locations (thighs and arms, genitals, mouth, scalp, etc.)
- Of different time of evolution
- Burns and abrasions
- Malnutrition for no apparent reason.
- Dehydration
- Poor body hygiene, very septic mouth.
- Inappropriate or dirty clothes for the current weather.
- Repeat falls.
- Fecal impaction.
- Broken glasses or absence of the same when necessary, hearing aids that do not work.
- Hypothermia, hyperthermia.
- Signs of drug intoxication or therapeutic non-compliance.
- Joint contractures due to lack of mobility.
- Pressure ulcers in poor condition, which do not respond to proper treatment.
- Inconsistent explanations regarding the mechanism of production of the lesions.
- Delay in requesting assistance.
- Repeated visits to emergency services and hospitals for changing reasons.
- Involuntary administration of medications.
- Lack of response to adequate treatments.
Indicators of psychic abuse can be:
- Contradictions in the account of what happened between the patient and the abuser.
- Attitude of fear, restlessness or passivity.
- Emotional state: altered mood, depression, anxiety or confusion.
- Loss of self-esteem.
- Minimal conversations between the victim and the caregiver.
However, since there are other types of abuse, there are other guiding signs that must be taken into account when suspecting abuse or abuse in the elderly.
In the event of possible financial abuse, the following may be found:
- Irregular pattern of spending and / or money withdrawals.
- Sudden changes in testamentary dispositions.
- Lack of utensils that the old man could afford.
- Inclusion of additional names in the bank book.
- Forged signatures.
- Unexplained disappearance of properties.
- Unpaid bills for no reason.
Abuse or mistreatment of the elderly must be suspected when, in addition to these signs or situations, certain reactions of the elderly person and / or their caregivers are associated.
If the older person is observed that:
- Is anxious or depressed.
- Has cognitive impairment.
- He is afraid of the caregiver.
- It is dependent on the caregiver.
- Make ambivalent statements to describe a situation.
- Shows little or no eye contact or communication.
- Stress or depression
- Excessive concern about costs.
- Economic dependence on the elderly.
- It does not allow the old man to speak for himself.
- Attitudes of indifference and / or anger towards the elderly.
- Aggressive behavior towards the elderly.
- Alcohol and / or drug problems.
- Contradictory and inconsistent explanations of a situation.
In that case, it is very likely that you will find yourself in a situation of abuse towards an elderly person, which must be explored to reveal it, solve it and reverse its effects as much as possible.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)