Picnicking safely
When organizing a picnic we must take into account a series of rules to avoid possible food toxoinfections and thus be able to enjoy a day in the middle of nature.
- It is advisable to carry out the preparation of dishes or cold preparations in the Last moment to avoid deterioration.
- Preparations cooked but that we are going to consume cold must be made sufficiently in advance to cool them completely.
- The raw from the cooked must be separated.
- It's advisable wash fruits and vegetables at home and take them to the place already clean. If in the picnic area we are going to have comfort to peel and chop fruits and vegetables, we can transport them clean and whole to better preserve their properties and avoid the loss of vitamins and the oxidation of their tissues.
- It agrees avoid any preparation made with raw egg or insufficiently cooked, for example: mayonnaise, all i oli, juicy tortillas, etc.
- If we transport dairy, we will keep them in the fridge portable until the moment of consumption.
- In the case of using sauces, it is preferable to opt for commercially packaged sauces that have undergone sterilization. These provide us with greater security than homemade ones, yes, once opened they should be kept cold and not for long periods of time.
- If we make salads with cooked products, for example pasta salad, we will cook the pasta in advance and cool it. Once cold, we can add it to the salad, since adding it hot or warm increases the risk of microbial proliferation in raw vegetables.
Conservation and transport
The ideal way to transport food and cold drinks is to have an isothermal fridge to keep us cool for a few hours. We must bear in mind that the ice that we incorporate serves to keep it cold, not to cool it, so if we introduce food hot or at room temperature, the ice will soon melt and lose its function. Once the ice has melted we can no longer rely on the preservation of that food.
The fridge should be place in the coolest and shady place, both inside the car and once we get to the picnic spot.
Regularly opening and closing the refrigerator will lead to a rapid increase in the temperature inside, which is why we must think carefully before opening it and taking everything necessary.
More and less advisable foods
- Because of the risk they carry we will avoid fish and shellfish, except those that are canned.
- We will skip the use of raw or rare egg and its preparations (sauces, desserts, scrambled eggs, omelettes ...)
- We will reject the consumption of raw foods of animal origin; They are delicate products that are not suitable for taking on a picnic.
- We will avoid dairy products that require refrigeration.
- We will choose fresh fruits of the season, clean and whole.
- We will prepare Cold salads without sauces and, if possible, we will finish their preparation at the last moment before leaving or at the place of the meal.
- We can choose to cold cuts and cured cheeses that do not require too much care for their conservation.
- We will carry nuts which are easy to transport products and do not require cold or special conditions for short-term conservation.
Attention to water
We must ensure safe drinking wherever we go, or through a fountain that indicates that your water is drinkable or bringing our own drink with us. We must not trust ourselves by drinking waters of which we do not know the origin. If the water is drinkable, it must be duly indicated.
It is important to collect everything and not leave waste in the place we have occupied. Public spaces belong to everyone and we must respect them.
- It is important to keep the cold food as long as possible to avoid spoilage and possible microbial growth.
- It is not advisable to mix raw and cooked foods, or use foods with undercooked eggs, etc. to avoid food poisoning.
- You need to go with be careful with the water and not to trust sources that do not indicate if the water is drinkable.
Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)