Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Pregnancy and lactation are two stages in a woman's life where a series of physiological changes that force to pay greater attention to the diet. During these stages the woman needs extra contribution of certain nutrients What: calcium (200-250mg extra daily in pregnancy and 700mg in lactation), folic acid (400mg daily during pregnancy), iron (extra contribution of 0.9mg), protein (10g more per day from the second trimester of pregnancy and 15g during lactation) and Energy (250- 300Kcal extra during the second half of pregnancy and 500Kcal extra during lactation).
When and how to eat in pregnancy?
Meeting these requirements without excessively increasing the calories in the diet can be difficult, since the need for energy is increased by 10-20% per day. On the other hand, those of vitamins and minerals increase between 20% and 50%. This increase does not mean increasing the size of the plate, but rather selecting the foods to consume properly. For this reason, it is advisable to select foods with a high density of nutrients (high in vitamins, minerals and low in energy). The type of diet must be controlled, emphasizing the quality of the meals rather than the quantity. A recommended balanced diet, divided throughout the day (4-5 shots), with variety of foods and use healthy and light cooking techniques (boiling, steam, iron) avoiding excess fat (frying). A healthy diet is fundamentally based on increasing the consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, tubers, vegetables and legumes, while reducing oils and fats, especially those of animal origin (sausage, fatty meats, whole dairy products).
- In these stages, women need extra intake of calcium, folic acid, iron, protein and energy.
- The type of diet must be controlled, emphasizing the quality of the meals rather than the quantity.
- It is recommended to divide the diet into 4-5 daily intakes.
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)