Residences for the elderly. How to choose the most suitable
With the increase in longevity, the chronification of many pathologies that a few years ago ended the life of the patient and with the changes in the rhythm and lifestyle of young adults, it is often very difficult or impossible to take proper care of the patients. elderly people in their own home. It is in these cases when the admission of the elderly person in a residential center that will replace their private home, will seek for their well-being and take care of their psychological and physical health can be recommended or essential.
The mission of residential centers is to replace the home of its residents, providing comprehensive care for all their needs, both physical and functional, psychological or spiritual. Thus, they maintain an individualized care program, hospitality services, medical and nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutritionists, social assistance and spiritual assistance.
The residents themselves and their relatives and friends can participate in the organization of the center through democratic mechanisms of organization and modification of needs and activities. Many of the existing residential centers can act as a day center, taking care of the people cared for during the day, while at night the users can return to their own private or family home. Similarly, users' stays in the residential center can be intermittent, passing periods of time of days, weeks or months depending on the circumstances.
The choice of the residential center is not usually an easy process, since the geographical, economic, aesthetic, care and internal organization conditions of the centers must be weighed in detail according to the particular needs of the future resident and their relatives and relatives. Thus, given the equality of two centers that are available, it is recommended to choose the center that is closest to the socio-family environment of the person who is going to enter; In this way, the elderly in the residence will suffer less social or family uprooting, which will have a positive effect on their health.
First of all and before the decision to enter a person in a specific residential center, the official license of activities must first be checked from both the town council of the town and the autonomous bodies in charge of it, check the conditions of the entry contract in detail and of the internal order system of the center, which must be in accordance with the regulations and with the wishes and objectives of the person who is going to enter the center. In no case can a person be admitted to a residential center against their will, with the sole exception of those people who have gone through a judicial process of incapacitation and so decided by their legal representative or guardian.
It is also important to take into account the ownership of the residential center and its conditions of agreement with government institutions in the case of private residences, in relation to the Dependency Law. Through the system provided for in this regulation, the need to enter a concerted public or private residential center must be endorsed by the evaluation mechanisms provided for in the Law. On the other hand, private admission to a residential center without a concerted The Administration is free, taking advantage of the Internal Regulations of the center and the conditions of the contract.
(Updated at Apr 15 / 2024)