The benefits of oriental therapies
Many spa centers incorporate these types of therapies into their treatment menu which, in addition to having an "exotic" point, allow the client to obtain their millennial benefits. Also, many of them raise the bar and are performed directly by native therapists, which gives it a more special touch. The fact that a spa comes to incorporate these services is not only based on economic issues but, in this way, the range of possibilities is increased and health is taken from a less conventional perspective. The rituals and protocols that the therapists they are based on ancestral practices where in most cases manipulation, relaxation and the energy channels that exist in our body are the center.
The possibilities are multiple and varied depending on the needs of each person. There are those who go in search of one solution for a specific problem but there are those who simply want and disconnect. Both for some and for others, there are valid options. It should be noted, however, that regardless of the therapy to be tried, the premise of improving health is always present, even if it is a massage with oils.
Use of essential oils
The oils are products that by themselves already offer therapeutic properties. There is a long list of benefits, some of them being anti-inflammatory, anti-cellulite… Or simply relaxing. One of the most used is that of, which has stimulating and cleansing virtues.
Thai massage
Not all massages require you to stay "in underwear." This occurs in one of the most popular massages, the "Thai" massage. In this case, the person receiving the treatment must be dressed in comfortable clothing because the therapy is based on movements and pressures, where the therapist stands or kneels while the client has stretched out on the floor. It is deep work at the muscular and articular level with kneading and manipulation work. It is also carried out acupressure, pressure on the acupuncture points, to relieve possible pain or improve the level of energy lines.
At a higher level when it comes to therapies we find the. In this case we are no longer talking only about manipulations, but the concept is more global, more medical, because in reality it is a ancient system of medicine originated in India. In fact, the word itself already describes the concept: AIUR could be translated as "" and VEDA as "".
There are spas that offer the possibility of receiving Ayurvedic treatments that, if done following the tradition of this type of medicine, will always be prescribed by a qualified doctor. This is the secret of this type of therapy: it is the doctor who guides and indicates the services that the client is going to receive, after consulting to find out their current health status. In these cases it should be clear that whoever wants to undergo Ayurveda treatments must go through the doctor's hands so that the most appropriate is recommended, which will not only intervene at the "body" level but also usually give guidelines at the level of diet.
Many possibilities available to anyone with benefits at different levels, why not try them?
Sports Medicine Specialist
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)