The direction of food
In Spain one of the most widely used guides is the "course of food". It arose as a result of a study on the eating habits of Spaniards with the aim of grouping foods and establishing the sizes of each portion.
To create the food groups, their nutrient content was considered, grouping them by similarities. The sizes of the servings were formulated according to the amount of food that allows to achieve a similar content in nutrients and through homemade or easy-to-use measures (glass, cup, spoon,).
This classification makes it possible to design diets, through food rations, that are adjusted to the recommended intakes of nutrients (energy, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals).
The representative figure is a rhombus divided into 7 areas, each of which represents a food group and the area of the rhombus is proportional to the recommended amount, per number of servings. The messages that the rhombus transmits are variety, balance and moderation in the diet.
It is recommended to consume it daily to maintain a balanced, varied diet adjusted to nutritional needs:
- Cereals, derivatives and legumes: 6-10 servings.
- A typical portion or portion is equivalent to: bread (40-60gr), raw rice or pasta (60-80gr), cereals (40gr), potato (150-200gr).
- Fruits and fruit juices: 2-4 servings.
- A regular portion or portion is equivalent to: 120-200gr.
- Vegetables and greens: 3-5 servings.
- A regular portion or portion is equivalent to: 200gr.
- Meat, fish and eggs: 2-3 servings.
- (Fatty, semi-fat, lean meats / fatty, semi-fat, lean fish).
- A regular portion or portion is equivalent to: meat (80-100gr), white / blue fish (150-200gr), chicken (100gr), eggs (2 small units).
- Milk and dairy products: 2-3 servings.
- (Whole milk, semi-skimmed, skim / fat, semi, skim / whole or fat and skim yoghurt).
- A typical portion or portion is equivalent to: milk (250ml), yogurt (2 units), cured cheese (40 gr), fresh cheese (80-100gr).
- Fats and oils: in moderation
- A regular portion or portion is equivalent to: oil (10 gr), butter, margarine (10gr), olive (50 gr), nuts (20gr).
- Sweets and sugar: in moderation.
- A regular portion or portion is equivalent to: sugar, jam, honey (10gr).
This feeding guide contains different ranges in the number and quantity of servings depending on the needs to be covered and it also allows you to select foods (leaner or less fat).
In people of less weight and physical activity, fewer rations and smaller quantities will be needed, on the contrary, the rations will be of greater quantity and number in people of greater weight and physical activity. In some special situations (pregnancy, lactation) it may be difficult to meet the nutritional demands through the foods established in the guidelines and a supplement will be necessary.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)