Tips to keep in mind at Christmas
The christmas parties, dates in which family meals abound and in which many of us indulge in dietary quirks that we have not allowed ourselves the rest of the year. However, the excesses committed can bring us health problems that will make us not be able to enjoy those days as we should.
Heavy digestion and indulgence are the order of the day causing symptoms of bloating, epigastric pain, heartburn, nausea and flatulence that can be easily avoided by following several basic tips.
What tips to keep in mind at Christmas
- Do not abuse food, eating everything but in small amounts and chewing correctly.
- Replace the coffee in your meals with infusions that facilitate digestion and avoid gas such as chamomile or green tea.
- Avoid tight clothing after lunch and wait at least two hours before going to bed after a heavy dinner to facilitate digestion and avoid reflux problems.
- Moderate the consumption of products such as seafood (due to its high fat and uric acid content), nougats and marzipan (due to its high sugar and fat content) and increase the consumption of seasonal vegetables and fruits.
- Moderate the consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially those of high alcohol content; Accompanying the main meals with one or two glasses of a good wine or cava facilitates digestion and is enough to satisfy the most demanding palates.
Effects of excesses at Christmas
In the case of digestive symptoms, taking surfactant drugs that eliminate gases, antacids and gastric protectors in cases of heartburn or heavy digestions can be helpful as long as they have been previously prescribed by a patient. If the symptoms persist for more than 48-72 hours after an overdose, it is necessary to see a professional as the presence of digestive diseases can be a sign that should be ruled out.
Finally, people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or the digestive system should pay special attention to their diet on these dates, adjusting their diet to specific products, ensuring that they are duly guaranteed and avoiding those who cannot eat the rest of the anus.
Intensive Medicine Specialist
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)