Travel to america
If it is decided travel to america You will be exposed to tropical infectious diseases and natural elements of the trip itself, such as heat, humidity, the consumption of water and unsafe food, and mosquitoes. That is why in these circumstances the traveler must remember the general and specific recommendations of the trip that were given to him at the Center for International Health.
In the American continent, as far as sanitary risk is concerned, three zones must be differentiated: Caribbean or Central America, non-Amazonian South America and Amazonian South America.
In the Caribbean or Central America, contamination of water and / or food is frequent. When food preparation hygiene cannot be ensured, the risk of intestinal infection or diarrhea from numerous agents increases. To avoid diarrhea it is advisable to eat freshly cooked, boiled or fried food, drink packaged or boiled products, such as coffee or tea, and brush your teeth with bottled, boiled or disinfected water with purification tablets. Therefore, street or raw foods should be avoided, such as salads, shellfish or fruit peeled by third parties, ice cubes, dairy products, non-boiled or packaged or sealed drinks, or natural fruit juices that have not been squeezed in their own right. presence. For its part, the International Health Center will assess vaccination against hepatitis A and typhoid fever.
In the case of diarrhea, remember that the most important thing is to maintain good hydration by drinking plenty of fluids (2 to 3 liters a day), an astringent diet, and using oral rehydration preparations or antisecretory antidiarrheals if necessary. If the diarrhea is more severe with fever (≥38ºC), blood, mucus or pus in the stool, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Other diseases
The risk of other mosquito-borne diseases is variable, being low for malaria and higher for dengue.
Malaria or malaria is a parasitic disease, caused in this region mainly by Plasmodium vivax, which is transmitted by the bite of a nocturnal mosquito throughout the year in specific areas or regions of some countries. There is currently no effective vaccine against it, and since the risk in this area is limited, its preventive treatment or chemoprophylaxis to avoid its development should be discussed with the doctor of the International Health Center depending on the itinerary, the duration and reason for the trip.
Dengue is a viral disease, usually presenting itself as a banal acute febrile infection, self-limited in time, which is transmitted by the bite of a daytime mosquito throughout the year and in all countries below 1000 meters of altitude. In rare cases, bleeding episodes may appear, being a warning sign to go immediately to a doctor. Today there is no effective vaccine against it, or preventive treatment or chemoprophylaxis, so it is recommended to avoid mosquito bites throughout the day and at dusk, use repellants and paracetamol in the case of muscle or joint pain or headache
The non-Amazonian area of South America presents, in addition to the intestinal diseases described above, the risk of altitude sickness, which appears when it exceeds 2,500 m in height, for example in La Paz (Bolivia, 3,500 m), Cuzco (Peru, 3,400 m). m) or Quito (Ecuador, 2,800 m). The first days of stay at these heights may appear headache, fatigue, nausea, vertigo, insomnia, dizziness or muscle pain that makes physical activity difficult. To avoid its appearance, it is recommended to plan the trip with a gradual ascent in height to allow good acclimatization (no more than 300 meters per day from 2500-3000 meters). From 2,400 meters above, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids (between 2 and 3 liters a day), follow local recommendations such as chewing coca or drinking coca tea, do not do intense exercises and avoid alcohol and large meals. If, despite these recommendations, altitude sickness occurs, you should try to rest and see a doctor for proper treatment. Likewise, if you have previously suffered from altitude sickness, the International Health Center will assess the prescription of some treatment to take prophylactically.On the other hand, the risk of diseases transmitted by insects such as malaria or dengue is less frequent, since above of 2,500 meters there are no insects.
In the Amazonian area of South America, in addition to the intestinal diseases described above, the main risk is suffering from diseases transmitted by insects, such as malaria, dengue or yellow fever.
Yellow fever is a very serious viral disease, present in countries of the Amazon basin that is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. In some of these countries its prevention through vaccination is mandatory to enter the same, and it will be the Center itself who will advise its use, administer it and issue the International Certificate of Vaccination. In South America vaccination against yellow fever is only required for travelers from all countries wishing to enter French Guiana or any country with an Amazonian zone in exceptional outbreak situations. The South American countries with the Amazon rainforest at risk of yellow fever transmission but without the obligation to vaccinate against yellow fever are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. The vaccine is effective 24 hours or 10 days after its administration depending on whether it is a booster dose or the first time it is administered, and is valid for 10 years. The International Certificate of Vaccination is personal and non-transferable, and if the traveler is lost, they should go back to the center that issued it to obtain a duplicate.
The recommendations in these areas may be modified depending on the itinerary, the reason for the trip and the traveler's pre-existing diseases, as well as the appearance of health alerts or epidemic outbreaks at the time of the trip. However, the professionals of the International Health Center receive updated information on a daily basis, so if you have any questions, it is recommended to contact them.
Preventive Medicine Specialist
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)