Involuntary loss of urine through the urethra It is called urinary incontinence, and in addition to being a medical problem, it is a significant social problem, which sometimes limits a woman's life. Urodynamics is a post-examination test to assess the function of the lower urinary tract.
Types of urinary incontinence
Urine is formed in the kidneys and through the ureters reaches the bladder where the urine is stored. The detrusor is the muscle in the bladder wall that, when contracted, causes stored urine to be expelled through the urethra. It has a muscular ring called the sphincter that relaxes when urine comes out to allow it to pass. When there is incontinence it can be due to several factors:
- Continuous urinary incontinence. It occurs in certain anatomical problems or by the formation of fistulas after surgery or trauma. The treatment to be carried out in this type of incontinence is surgical to correct the anatomical defect. Some neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis are accompanied by urinary incontinence and the treatment is that of the underlying disease.
- Stress urinary incontinence: occurs when an increase in abdominal pressure is made due to an effort such as laughing, coughing, jumping or lifting weights. The loss of urine can be of very variable quantity. It is the most common cause of incontinence in women. Its origin is in the alterations of the pelvic floor, because the muscles of the perineum give way due to pregnancy, or due to the laxity of the tissues in menopause.
- Urinary incontinence due to urination urgency: it happens after an urgent desire to urinate. Its origin is in the contraction of the muscles of the bladder without the conscious command of it. This type of incontinence is treated with medication, which reduces the ability of the muscles to contract. In some cases, this incontinence can be caused by urinary infections.
How are the types of urinary incontinence different?
First of all, a good medical history should be taken in the consultation, including possible underlying diseases, time of evolution, form of onset, presentation of urine leaks ... Afterwards, it is advisable to perform an examination, rule out possible fistulas, explore the pelvic floor musculature and the position of the urinary bladder, scars from childbirth if there have been any… Finally, a urodynamics can be done.
What is the urodynamic test?
The urodynamics It is an examination that the doctor performs to assess the functioning of the lower urinary tract. The test lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. First of all, a uroflowmetry is carried out, that is, the flow and pressure of urine outlet is measured spontaneously in normal urination. A catheter is then inserted into the urethra through which the bladder will be filled with sterile serum and the pressure inside the bladder will be measured. Another tube is placed into the rectum that measures abdominal pressure.
When the patient feels the desire to urinate, the bladder stops filling and urination begins. Sometimes the patient is asked to cough or strain to see if urine is leaking involuntarily or not. This study helps decide the best treatment for each type of urinary incontinence.
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- Urodynamics is an examination that the doctor performs to assess the functioning of the lower urinary tract and lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.
- This study helps decide the best treatment for each type of urinary incontinence.
- More and more companies include in their policies services that allow questions about symptoms and health disorders to be consulted by phone or via email.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)