| Gangrene is the death of tissue due to a lack of
blood supply or a serious infection by bacteria. It usually affects the extremities, although it can also occur in other
muscle groups or in the viscera.
When you suffer gangrene the skin undergoes color changes, swells evenly or with blisters, the difference between the affected area and the healthy one is very marked, there is Intense pain and wounds can secrete purulent fluid. If the infection progresses, a septic shock, a multi-organ failure due to infection in which hypotension, high fever, tachycardia, respiratory distress, drowsiness occur and can produce a coma and being fatal.
There are different types of gangrene depending on your presentation:
Dry gangrene: produces dry, wrinkled, dark brown skin… It progresses slowly and is common in patients with arterial disease. Wet gangrene: is produced by a bacterial infection and has swelling, sores, and a wet appearance. It usually occurs after severe burns, frostbite, or traumatic injuries and progresses rapidly. Gas gangrene: It usually affects the deep muscles, the skin looks normal and then acquires a grayish or reddish tint, with blisters that crack when pressed. Is caused for an infection by Clostridium perfringens.Internal gangrene: affects organs such as the intestines or the gallbladder and can cause fever and severe abdominal pain.Fournier gangrene: This type of gangrene affects the genitals due to a genitourinary infection, producing significant edema and pain in the area. Meleney gangrene: It can occur a few days after surgery and painful lesions appear on the skin.Symptoms to identify gangrene
The diagnosis is based on the patient clinic and the background traumatic or surgical, as well as predisposing risk factors.