What is mythomania?
We understand by mythomania (also called fantastic pseudology or just compulsive liars) the repeated tendency to lie consciously and in facts that are difficult to prove. The person who lies does not obtain a direct profit from the lie (for example, economic, as would be the case with scammers), but has to do with something more instinctive, difficult to avoid and that Its function is to build an attractive identity in the eyes of others, for well or feelings of admiration.
Society rejects lies. As children we are taught to avoid it, for example, with stories such as "Peter and the wolf" or "Pinocchio" and as adults we are reminded through the popular proverb ("the lie has very short legs" or "it is caught before a liar than a lame one ”). But nevertheless, the lie it exists in our day to day, to a greater or lesser degree and with more or less consequences. Can it turn into something pathological?
Is mythomania a psychological disorder?
Mythomania it is not an officially encoded pathology in itself . Lying is a symptom that something is wrong with the person and can be found in a whole series of psychological disorders (factitious disorder, antisocial personality disorder, dementias, borderline personality disorder, gambling or other addictions ...) . Depending on its function, it can be an indicator of one diagnosis or another. It is important to clarify that mythomania can also refer to the tendency to idolize to a person or thing, although here we will focus on the meaning related to the lie.
How does a mythomaniac behave?
The lie has to do with self esteem issues or poorly managed basic relational needs. The most common way is that the mythomaniac relate something invented to someone, which will leave you in a good position and thus receive immediate recognition from your interlocutor. This, at least initially, of the mythomaniac and also the relationship. Lying can also be used as a way of avoid something unpleasant, for example, a reprimand for some fault or breach of some responsibility. The mythomaniac feels a discomfort in this situation and uses the lie as a way out. As this discomfort subsides, feed back the lie, which is repeated when a new difficult situation appears.
A is late for an appointment with B. B is angry about waiting. A excuses himself by saying that just as he was arriving he was attacked by dangerous assailants, whom he has reduced thanks to learning a little-known martial art in his youth. B stops being angry and starts to be fascinated by his bravery or to take care of A because of the “bad drink” he experienced.
What's going on?
The lies tend to be more and more numerous and bombastic, due to this external reinforcement from others. There is a constant fear, more or less diffuse, of being discovered, which forces the person to repeat the lie in front of all their contacts, to make it congruent and prevent something from misrepresenting. This also reinforces memorization. In some cases, the defense of the lie is so staunch that the mythomaniac may mistake fact for fiction and believe his own lie. They are usually people who in the past have habitually had instrumental personal relationships (that is, to achieve something), so they tend to distrust others. There is a relational deficit established in the fear of failure or abandonment, for what they tend to be seductive people and with a tendency to emotional dependence. In an attempt to gain greater social acceptance, the mythomaniac ends up achieving the opposite effect, In other words, staying alone, since sooner or later, lies end up being discovered, and friends and family lose trust in the person. Of the best intentions, the worst effects.
Types of lies
- Productive: it is the most basic form and also the more common, the fantasy in its purest form. It consists of affirming that something invented is true until proven otherwise. It is often difficult to find the irrefutable evidence that disproves it.
- By omission: consists in not tell something important has happened. It is considered the least guilty form of lying because there is no deliberate invention, but sometimes it can be much more harmful since in reality, to omit is to manipulate the information for their own benefit.
It is difficult for the mythomaniac to come to (he also lies to himself to believe that he does not have any problem), although in cases in which the lies have generated devastating effects for oneself or third parties, they can seek help, especially to manage symptoms like or feelings of sadness. It is essential to understand the role that lying has had in the person's life and find more adaptive ways to manage difficulties, attending to one's own emotions, propping up self-esteem, and strengthening communication skills.
- Mythomania consists of the repeated trend to lie consciously and in facts that are difficult to prove.
- The lie has to do with self esteem issues or poorly managed basic relational needs.
- It is difficult for the mythomaniac to come to consultation (he also lies to himself to believe that he has no problem), although in cases in which the lies have generated devastating effects for oneself or third parties, they can seek help.
Specialist in Clinical Psychology Advance Medical Consulting Psychologist
(Updated at Apr 13 / 2024)