Breast disorders: mastopathies
The function of the breast is the production of milk in the postpartum period. In the normal menstrual cycle, the breast prepares for a possible pregnancy and, if it does not occur, it regresses again. These monthly changes are the main cause of benign breast disease. Next we are going to see some of the most common breast alterations in women, all of them of different severity. It is recommended that in case of identifying any of these alterations, you contact your gynecologist.
Mastalgia and mastodynia
Breast pain unrelated to the rules is called mastalgia, which can actually originate in the breast or be referred, that is, originated in another area but perceived in the breast. In cases of mastalgia, first of all, benign or malignant breast disease must be ruled out. When pain occurs cyclically coinciding with the phases of the menstrual cycle it is called mastodynia. Mastodynia is treated according to the severity of the case and, above all, it insists on lifestyle changes such as limiting the intake of coffee, chocolate or cola and wearing a suitable bra.
Nipple discharge
The discharge from the nipple outside the lactation period should be indicated to the doctor. Depending on the type of secretion, the number of ducts involved and the bilaterality, the study to be carried out is different. The most common cause of galactorrhea, that is, milk leakage from the nipples outside the lactation period, is the increase in the hormone prolactin due to stressful situations or due to certain medications. If the discharge is bloody, it may be due to a duct papilloma, a small wart inside a breast duct, or a process that could be malignant. In case of eczema that does not heal in the nipple or its retraction, a specialist should be consulted.
Mastitis is a process of inflammation of the breast, generally infectious in origin. It is more frequent in lactation but it can also appear outside of it. In some cases, a breast abscess1 may form that will require drainage. The symptoms of mastitis are pain, local heat, redness of the skin and hardening of the area. Treatment is usually antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Chronic mastitis are rarer, with a longer clinical picture and sometimes require a study to rule out underlying pathology.
Benign breast tumors are diagnosed by the presence of a more indurated area in the breast without clear boundaries called plaque, by the presence of a well-defined nodule, or by chance when doing complementary tests without any symptoms.
The most common benign pathology they are cysts and fibroadenomas. The cysts correspond to liquid collections in the breast tissue, which on some occasions can be punctured with ultrasound control, emptied and analyzed the extracted fluid. If the cyst is small and its image is compatible with benignity, it does not require treatment. Fibroadenomas are solid nodules made up of fibrous and epithelial tissue. They are more frequent in young women and the risk of malignant is minimal. Controls are recommended from the outset and they are only removed in cases of significant growth, pain, cosmetic alteration, or patient concern.
Fibrocystic mastopathy is an entity that reflects benign changes in the breast produced by an exaggerated response of the breast to hormonal changes. On examination, dense breasts with irregularities in their tissue will be palpated. Mammography and ultrasound report dense breast tissue that can sometimes be associated with small cysts inside. It does not increase the risk of breast cancer but makes it difficult to detect because it is more difficult to palpate and has a high density on mammography.
(Updated at Apr 14 / 2024)